Heidi wrote:
Problemet er løst - jeg fik fundet deres engelske supportside, hvor
der under hjælp-emner stod et emne der lignede mit problem.
Siden hedder
http://www.uk.ea.com/ - jeg gik ind under
Support Centre, Get help, emne nr. 8 hed The Sims begins to load but
then drops back to the desktop
Der står følgende: (jeg kan desværre ikke lave et link)
This problem can be caused by a file conflicting with The Sims' internal
mp3 player.
Search your system drive (usually C:) for a file called "ac3audio.ax".
You will most likely find this file in either C:\Windows\System or
C:\Windows\System32. If you find this file, rename it to something such
as "ac3audio.ax.old", and try starting the game again.
The information we have indicates that the problem you are experiencing
is caused by external DirectShow audio codecs interfering with the mp3
audio files used in The Sims. Ac3audio.ax is one that we are aware of
and seems to be the most common, but there may well be more on your
system that are causing difficulty. If the above does not help, please
read on:
Do you have any Media playback or DVD playback software installed?
Specifically RealPlayer, Winamp, WinDVD etc etc - If so, you could try
uninstalling these to see if one is conflicting with your the game.
You may also like to try this - it will disable sound in the game but
<b>should</b> get you up and running.
Create a shortcut to <b>thesims.exe</b> This can be found in the folder
where you installed The Sims. Now, right click on this shortcut, choose
properties, then in the Target box, add "-nosound" (without the quotes).
Click OK, then try launching the game by double clicking on the new
Jeg prøvede første løsning med at omdøbe ac3audio-filen (efter at have
lagt en kopi et andet sted - og efter en genstart virkede det!!
Jeg ved ikke om det er noget der kan hjælpe jer andre der har
problemer -
jeg har feks. også WinDVD installeret, men det var så ikke nødvendigt at
prøve at fjerne den.
Men nu virker det i hvert fald - og jeg kommer uden tvivl til at bruge
hele weekenden på at sidde og spille
Tak for forslagene til jer der svarede! og god weekend.
Mvh. Heidi
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"Time is fun when you're having flies" - Kermit