Jeg har netop investeret i et mailhotel til et af mine domæner og til
min gru opdager jeg at mailserveren minsandten klistrer en (ekstra)
Message-ID header på når den modtager mailene!
Jeg opfatter det som en fejl at serveren klistrer headeren på og vil
gerne have udbyderen til at ændre dette. Før jeg henvender mig vil jeg
dog lige høre andres vurdering af om en mailserver må sætte en ekstra
Message-ID i mails den modtager.
RFC 2822 siger bla:
The "Message-ID:" field provides a unique message identifier that
refers to a particular version of a particular message. The
uniqueness of the message identifier is guaranteed by the host that
generates it (see below). This message identifier is intended to be
machine readable and not necessarily meaningful to humans. A
message identifier pertains to exactly one instantiation of a
particular message; subsequent revisions to the message each
receive new message identifiers.
Note: There are many instances when messages are "changed", but
those changes do not constitute a new instantiation of that
message, and therefore the message would not get a new message
identifier. For example, when messages are introduced into the
transport system, they are often prepended with additional header
fields such as trace fields (described in section 3.6.7) and resent
fields (described in section 3.6.6). The addition of such header
fields does not change the identity of the message and therefore
the original "Message-ID:" field is retained. In all cases, it is
the meaning that the sender of the message wishes to convey (i.e.,
whether this is the same message or a different message) that
determines whether or not the "Message-ID:" field changes, not any
particular syntactic difference that appears (or does not appear)
in the message.
En anden ting er så at den message-id de klistrer på ikke har FQDN på
højre siden af @ men blot mailserv03 ...
stud. scient. Arne Jørgensen
Kollegium 5, 2., v. 222, Universitetsparken, 8000 Århus C
tlf: 89 42 72 22, mobil: 21 65 01 13
e-post: arne@daimi.au.dk, <