"Michael frøkjær" <froe@XXimage.dk> wrote in message
> Er det muligt at ændre MAC adr. på netkortet?? evt hvordan??
> \michael
Jeg har prøvet følgende på flere 95/ME maskiner!! *DET VIRKER*
man ændre ikke MAC'en på kortet men laver en 'ny' som windows bruger
istedet!!, på 95/98/ME
var det bare at lave en ny key i registry og smide en streng ind med
mac'en,-reboot og jeg køret med en ny mac (verificerede med sniffer
jeg har selv et Orinoco/Siemens wireless jeg skal lege lidt med på XP...
Windows 98 Registry Modification:
Open regedit and navigate to:
[Win98 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Net\0000]
Add a String Value called NetworkAddress (no space) and enter a MAC address
value then close
regedit. Then open winipcfg and release and renew your IP address and then
reboot your system.
Windows 2000 Registry Modification:
Open regedit and navigate to:
Add a String Value called NetworkAddress (no space) and enter a MAC address
value then close
regedit and reboot your system.
This hive provides configuration for connectivity devices in your computer
including: mini-port
adapter, parallel ports, wan miniport (ip) and packet schedueler.
Windows XP SP1 Registry Modification:
This modification is slightly different because I wanted to apply it
specifically to an Orinoco Gold
Wireless 802.11b card. The outline below is specific to modifications on
this adapter BUT could
be performed on other connectivity devices by simply moving keys (e.g. from
key \{E10318}\0011
to \{E10318}\0002) and applying the same String Value and Value Data.
Open regedit and navigate to:
Add a String Value called NetworkAddress (no space) and enter a MAC address
value then close
regedit and reboot your system.