First of all -- anyone who can assist me here I would really appreciate it.
I'm running into some problems making my preloader in Flash MX. When testing
the movie, I see neither the dynamic text fields nor the bar. I'm using two
scenes ("Scene 1" and "Scene 2") where "Scene 1" is the preloader and "Scene
2" is the main movie. Scene 1 has two layers -- one for the bar and another
for the scripts. The scripts I have are as follows:
Frame 1 of bar instance:
Frame 1 of "Scene 1":
total_bytes = _root.getBytesTotal();
loaded_bytes = _root.getBytesLoaded();
remaining_bytes = total_bytes-loaded_bytes;
percent_done = int((loaded_bytes/total_bytes)*100);
ifFrameLoaded ("Scene 2", 1000) {
gotoAndPlay ("Scene 2", 1);
Frame 2 of "Scene 2":
gotoAndPlay (1);
Folllowing is the error message that I get:
WARNING: This movie uses features that are not supported in the Flash 5
Scene=Scene 1, Layer=Visual, Frame=1: Flash MX Text Field Instance Name
Scene=Scene 1, Layer=Visual, Frame=1: Flash MX Text Field Instance Name
Scene=Scene 1, Layer=Visual, Frame=1: Flash MX Text Field Instance Name
Scene=Scene 1, Layer=Visual, Frame=1: Flash MX Text Field Instance Name
If you have any suggestions, please reply this this message (and if it's not
too much trouble, to news@allon.com). Thanks!!
Allon Mason