On Sun, 23 Mar 2003 07:53:21 +0000 (UTC), Lasse Jensen wrote:
>Hej derude...
>På denne side
www.dvdoo.subnet.dk/index4.html kommer der en
>vandret scrollbar i Opera og Mozilla, men ikke IE. Hvordan får
>jeg fjernet den vandrette scrollbar?
Ifølge on-validatorerne skulle koden jo være i orden, men da jeg fik
hentet koden ned i min editor (HTML-Kit build 292), fik jeg et andet
resultat som fortæller mig at der er noget galt med dine nestings:
se f.eks følgende uddrag af din kode:
[block-quote begin fra head]
<div align="center">
<center><script type="text/javascript">
[block-quote end]
Den <div align="center"> har intet at gøre der, og fejl af den slags kan
resultere i meget underlige fejl og kan forvirre validatorer og dermed
resultere i misvisende raporter.
Der ser ud til at være flere fejl i din kode, så du får her den
komplette liste som HTML-Kit genererede og den første fejlmelding giver
jeg en forklaring på:
"Warning", "1","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","411","167","0","'<' + '/'
+ letter not allowed here"
411 er linie-nummeret og 167 er det antal karakterer inde på linien hvor
fejlen befinder sig.
I <body> markøren bruger du nogle attributter som jeg kan forestille mig
måske kan give problemer i nogle browsere, f.eks. marginheight="0" og
lign., da min editor ikke selv tilbyder mig dem.
Herunder følger resten af listen, men bemærk at HTML-Kit validerer
tilsyneladende validerer efter XHTML standard, og at den derfor også
giver advarsler til 'fejl' som er helt legal kode i f.eks. HTML 4.0 som
du har sat som Doctype.
"Warning", "2","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","423","7","0","plain text
isn't allowed in <head> elements"
"Warning", "3","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","425","7","0","discarding
unexpected </style>"
"Warning", "4","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","429","4","0","discarding
unexpected <body>"
"Warning", "5","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","457","14","0","<table>
lacks "summary" attribute"
"Warning", "6","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","460","7","0","discarding
unexpected </table>"
"Warning", "7","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","462","7","0","<table>
attribute "width" has invalid value "*""
"Warning", "8","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","462","7","0","<table>
lacks "summary" attribute"
"Warning", "9","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","462","7","0","discarding
unexpected <table>"
"Warning", "10","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","465","7","0","<table>
attribute "width" has invalid value "*""
"Warning", "11","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","465","7","0","<table>
lacks "summary" attribute"
"Warning", "12","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","485","7","0","<table>
lacks "summary" attribute"
"Warning", "13","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","493","11","0","<table>
lacks "summary" attribute"
"Warning", "14","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","495","61","0","trimming
empty <div>"
"Warning", "15","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","504","8","0","<table>
lacks "summary" attribute"
"Warning", "16","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","507","7","0","<table>
lacks "summary" attribute"
"Warning", "17","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","510","7","0","<table>
lacks "summary" attribute"
"Warning", "18","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","513","7","0","<table>
lacks "summary" attribute"
"Warning", "19","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","544","45","0","<a>
escaping malformed URI reference"
"20","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","544","137","0","unescaped & which
should be written as &"
"Warning", "21","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","562","83","0","trimming
empty <font>"
"Warning", "22","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","565","64","0","trimming
empty <div>"
"Warning", "23","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","571","83","0","trimming
empty <font>"
"Warning", "24","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","574","64","0","trimming
empty <div>"
"Warning", "25","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","580","109","0","trimming
empty <font>"
"Warning", "26","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","583","64","0","trimming
empty <div>"
"Warning", "27","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","589","135","0","trimming
empty <font>"
"Warning", "28","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","592","64","0","trimming
empty <div>"
"Warning", "29","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","598","135","0","trimming
empty <font>"
"Warning", "30","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","601","64","0","trimming
empty <div>"
"Warning", "31","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","605","126","0","<table>
lacks "summary" attribute"
"Warning", "32","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","626","27","0","trimming
empty <div>"
"Warning", "33","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","627","7","0","<table>
lacks "summary" attribute"
"Warning", "34","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","650","7","0","missing
"Comment", "35","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","0","0","0","Document
appears to be HTML 4.01 Transitional. Doctype given is "-//W3C//DTD HTML
4.0 Transitional//EN""
"Comment", "36","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","0","0","0","34 warnings,
0 errors were found."
"Comment", "37","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","0","0","0","URIs must be
properly escaped, they must not contain unescaped characters below
U+0021 including the space character and not above U+007E. Tidy escapes
the URI for you as recommended by HTML 4.01 section B.2.1 and XML 1.0
section 4.2.2. Some user agents use another algorithm to escape such
URIs and some server-sided scripts depend on that. If you want to depend
on that, you must escape the URI by your own. For more information
please refer to
"Comment", "38","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","0","0","0","The table
summary attribute should be used to describe the table structure. It is
very helpful for people using non-visual browsers. The scope and headers
attributes for table cells are useful for specifying which headers apply
to each table cell, enabling non-visual browsers to provide a meaningful
context for each cell."
"Comment", "39","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","0","0","0","For further
advice on how to make your pages accessible see
http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL". You may also want to try
http://www.cast.org/bobby/" which is a free Web-based service for
checking URLs for accessibility."
"Comment", "40","H:\www\lasse.htm","lasse.htm","0","0","0","You are
recommended to use CSS to specify the font and properties such as its
size and color. This will reduce the size of HTML files and make them
easier to maintain compared with using <FONT> elements."
Mvh. Brian Jensen
http://www.briannospam.dk (last updated 16/01-03)