Jeg har fået til opgave at springe en tiger tank i luften vha. en artilleri
kanon. Det har jeg gjort. Nu skal jeg så springe artilleri kanonen i luften,
men jeg har bare ikke nogen bombe til at gøre det med, hvor finder jeg
Nedenstående er taget fra en walkthrough på nettet, bare så I er helt med
på, hvor jeg er nået til.
Wait for the tank to blow two holes in the wall directly in front of
you, then fire two shots at it to blow it up. Aim away from the Captain
so you don't accidentally kill him with splash damage. Once the tank is
down, go to the captain who tells you to blow up the Artillery Cannon,
go back to it and set the charge then move back to the Captain. Once
the gun is blown a plane will fly over head, this is your weapon drop.
Med venlig hilsen
Morten Sørensen