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Nye Nokia telefoner
Fra : Nick Christensen

Dato : 19-03-01 02:02

The 3310 was launched as a follower up to 3210, which became the absolute
teenager darling. The third addition to the 3000-series will be the 3330, and
it will be the first 3300 handset with a WAP browser. The 3310 only had chat
capabilities but no options for wireless surfing. This gives the teen phone
great possibilities in terms of downloads. The teen user can download animated
gif files and keep them as pictures on the display. Not to mention that other
teenage download hit - games. Sounds like a great teen phone if the design
grabs the MTV generation’s imagination like its two predecessors did.

This is the new version of the fancy 6210, but this one will be more up to
date. The 6310 will support GPRS and Bluetooth to enable it to communicate with
other devices. Imagine how much easier it will be when you are using the phone
as a modem and need to send large documents off to the office from your hotel
room. It will go faster with GPRS and the connection is tidy and wire free.

The 8210 was a gorgeous looking and light handset that was launched as the
phone for connoisseurs of design. It comes in different colours, but
unfortunately without any WAP browsing possibilities. The new 8310 will have
both WAP and GPRS and this could make it even more popular than its
predecessor. In addition, the 8310 will be launched with a built-in FM radio
and a free set of earphones.


Nick Christensen

Peter Rongsted (19-03-2001)
Fra : Peter Rongsted

Dato : 19-03-01 05:03

Til dem der undre sig over, hvor Nick har info fra, kan jeg fortælle, at det
er klippet ordret fra www.wap.com.


hi-tech (31-03-2001)
Fra : hi-tech

Dato : 31-03-01 17:28

Ja, det skulle jo lige tilføjes, til dem der troede det modsatte, at han
altså ikke besluttede sig for at nedskrive sin egen viden - på engelsk
endda -for at dele det med os...
Mange tak for det Peter, så ved vi det....

"Peter Rongsted" <rongsted@dontspam.image.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> Til dem der undre sig over, hvor Nick har info fra, kan jeg fortælle, at
> er klippet ordret fra www.wap.com.
> Peter

N/A (20-03-2001)
Fra : N/A

Dato : 20-03-01 23:07

Nick Christensen (20-03-2001)
Fra : Nick Christensen

Dato : 20-03-01 23:07

"J.L." wrote:

> Hvornår kommer 6310, pris?

Skal jeg fortælle dig efter d. 27 marts.


Nick Christensen

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