Jens Gyldenkærne Clausen skrev:
> Og er det IE eller Opera/Mozilla der fejlfortolker reglerne
> her?
Fandt lige følgende (fra
www.authoring.stylesheets>, 2001):
| The CSS flow of inheritance is quite clear and, in all finalized
| CSS specifications to date (CSS1 and CSS2 at 2001-05-06), the flow
| of inheritance has no exceptions. Table cell elements are never
| the children of table column elements or of table column group
| elements.
| Even if the document language permitted that ancestry, CSS2 has no
| way to accomodate such ancestry. Thus table cell elements cannot
| inherit properties from their respective table column or table
| column group elements. If, in a CSS table, all layers above the
| table columns have transparent backgrounds, the background of the
| table columns or of the table column groups shows. Table columns
| and table column groups can also influence borders in the collapsed
| borders model, but that influence, again, is not inheritance.
| Summary: Internet Explorer 5 and Internet Explorer 5.5 have
| misimplemented CSS2 while Mozilla is doing the Right Thing.
Hm - forklaringen er jo ganske logisk, men det er nu alligevel
irriterende at man ikke kan påvirke andet end baggrundsfarver via
COL og COLGROUP. Den første kolonne kan godt nok nås med :first-
child, men det er ikke understøttet bredt nok til at jeg vil bruge
Jens Gyldenkærne Clausen
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