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Please can you help?
Fra : Good Karma

Dato : 23-02-03 00:54

I need a miracle.....

In Buddhist teaching, the law of karma, says only this: `for every event that
occurs, there will follow another event whose existence was caused by the
first, and this second event will be pleasant or unpleasant according as its
cause was skillful or unskillful.' A skillful event is one that is not
accompanied by craving, resistance or delusions; an unskillful event is one
that is accompanied by any one of those things. (Events are not skillful in
themselves, but are so called only in virtue of the mental events that occur
with them.)

Do you believe that good things come to people who do good things?
This seems to be a common thread in many beliefs, religions and

I can not promise you riches or millions of dollars - I can not
promise anything, but I am asking for your help.

Would you spare one dollar? Simply just that $1.00.

Why? I need your help - I have had some financial problems and many
many unfulfilled promises from varied internet marketing schemes. I
have been looking for extra money to help send a son to university.
The bills are piling up and I need help.

If you can help, please go to http://goodkarma.sharewith.us/ and send $1.00
to good_karma@canada.com

What do you get in return? A sincere thank you and perhaps the
imutable laws of nature will return your $1.00 many times over......

Thank You

I need a miracle....

MaRk (23-02-2003)
Fra : MaRk

Dato : 23-02-03 01:44


Hold jer fra det!

"Good Karma" <goodkarma@canada.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> I need a miracle.....
> In Buddhist teaching, the law of karma, says only this: `for every event
> occurs, there will follow another event whose existence was caused by the
> first, and this second event will be pleasant or unpleasant according as
> cause was skillful or unskillful.' A skillful event is one that is not
> accompanied by craving, resistance or delusions; an unskillful event is
> that is accompanied by any one of those things. (Events are not skillful
> themselves, but are so called only in virtue of the mental events that
> with them.)
> Do you believe that good things come to people who do good things?
> This seems to be a common thread in many beliefs, religions and
> philosophies.
> I can not promise you riches or millions of dollars - I can not
> promise anything, but I am asking for your help.
> Would you spare one dollar? Simply just that $1.00.
> Why? I need your help - I have had some financial problems and many
> many unfulfilled promises from varied internet marketing schemes. I
> have been looking for extra money to help send a son to university.
> The bills are piling up and I need help.
> If you can help, please go to http://goodkarma.sharewith.us/ and send
> to good_karma@canada.com
> What do you get in return? A sincere thank you and perhaps the
> imutable laws of nature will return your $1.00 many times over......
> Thank You
> I need a miracle....

Andreas Falck (23-02-2003)
Fra : Andreas Falck

Dato : 23-02-03 09:38

MaRk <m-jons@mail.dkFJERN> skrev:

> SPAM!!
> Hold jer fra det!

Hvorfor så citere det hele igen, samt at svare over det du svarer på!

Læs mere i linket i min signatur!

FUT dk.admin.netikette

Med venlig hilsen Andreas Falck - ICQ 108 480 093
Den rigtige anvendelse forøger risikoen for at graden af
misforståelser bliver væsentlig reduceret

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