"Anders Petersson" <ap@indre-by.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> >
> > Hør nu engang Mikael - du anskaffer for omkring 250 -350 kr. bogen
"hurtig i
> > gang med FrontPage version 2002" - eller du anskaffer et tilsvarende
> > med FrontPage 2002 (jeg går ud fra at det er det program, du har) - så
> > du stille og roligt frem efter de eksempler, der findes i bogen.
> >
> >
> Hej Arne,
> Det er rigtigt, hvad du skriver, at man skal købe et hæfte og gå stille og
> roligt frem. Jeg vil dog mene, at det er noget vanskeligere, hvis man skal
> have indkøbsvogn, import fra excel og betalingsmodul. Så skal man bruge
> eller låne nogle moduler fra andre eksempler.
Det fremgik ikke af indlægget, hvad han havde problemer med, bortset fra at
der var noget, han ikke kunne udgive.
Hvis han er så avanceret, som du her antyder, så kan han da med fordel
benytte sig af javascripts, dhtml, java-appletter, cgi-scripts, php eller
asp-sider. Han kan også lave det hele i notepad - men når han spørger
i denne gruppe og skriver at han har problemer med noget så simpelt som at
benytte FrontPage og få udgivet det, han gerne vil i dette program, så er
det rimeligt at antage at han er en simpel amatør, der har nogle almindelige
Men jeg skal da gerne forsyne ham - og dig -med mere avancerede muligheder.
F.eks. kan I læse bøgerne:
Microsoft FrontPage 2002 Unleashed
Forfatter: William R. Stanek et al.. Forlag: Sams Publishing.
- Design advanced interfaces with tables, frames, and forms
- Enhance Web sites with style sheets and themes
- Integrate FrontPage with Office XP
- Install and adminster FrontPage Server Extensions
- Connect databases to FrontPage
- Develop design-time controls for FrontPage
- Deploy FrontPage Webs on Apache and IIS
- Manage FrontPage security on Unix and Windows
- Implement SharePoint Team Services
- Use live text in page banners
- Create intuitive forms with access keys
- Learn professional Web design techniques
- Use FrontPage with proxies and firewalls
- Learn remote administration techniques
- Manage FrontPage Server Extensions and SharePoint Team Services
FrontPage 2002 : The Complete Reference
Forfatter: Martin S. Matthews, Erik B. Poulsen. Forlag: Osborne /
- Design and build professional Web pages - even without any programming
- Quickly master the basics of formatting, tables, frames, and other
organizational essentials
- Maximime powerful upgrades such as improved graphics capabilities, team
editing, and more
- Improve your Web site to attract new visitors and establish loyal
- Create Web templates and forms to streamline Web design and site
- Utilize XML, ASP, JSP, HTML, DHTML, and all the major Web scripting
languages to implement the latest interactivity features and achieve your
e-commerce goals
- Protect visitor privacy and guard your site with Internet security
- Bonus - CD-ROM includes examples used in the book, plus an assortment of
valuable demos, templates, and more
FrontPage 2002 Developer's Guide
Forfatter: Mike Jennett. Forlag: McGraw-Hill.
Design and build high-performance, cutting-edge websites with ease using
this hands-on guide to FrontPage 2002. You'll get full details on all the
newest features and a quick review of basics before moving on to extensive
coverage of design and layout techniques.
With instructions for integrating DHTML, working with cascading style
sheets, customizing themes and forms - and much more - this book provides
you with all you need to take advantage of this leading Web creation tool.
Learn to use ASP to increase performance and seamlessly integrate the latest
Office software into a site by following hands-on examples.
You'll also learn how to use the VBA scripting engine and incorporate
FrontPage 2002 with Web servers and extensions. For creating sophisticated
sites that can also meet your high traffic and performance expectations,
FrontPage 2002 Developer's Guide is the only book you need.
Integrate FrontPage with DHTML
Create dynamic pages with ASP
Work with Web components and databases
Include Office elements into your Web pages
Add database connectivity to your websites
Extending FrontPage capabilities
Incorporate scripting and use the VBA scripting engine
Edit HTML code and collaborate on the Web
FrontPage 2002 Virtual Classroom
Forfatter: David Karlins. Forlag: Osborne / McGraw-Hill.
- Unveil the multi-tiered power of this flexible Web site management and
design application
- Create complex Web sites that organize and present HTML pages, images, and
- Keep tabs on Web site size, test links, and design global navigation links
using View options
- Place objects - including text, pictures, or even media - in an exact page
- Create unique, custom FrontPage themes with your own graphics, color
scheme, and text styles
- Embed sound and music files to add audio and video to your site
- Collect and manage form input data
- Apply interactive and animated page content with Dynamic HTML effects
Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
Forfatter: Jim Buyens. Forlag: Microsoft Press.
Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
Forfatter: Jim Buyens. Forlag: Microsoft Press.
Microsoft Frontpage Version 2002 Inside Out is the foremost reference to the
FrontPage version 2002 Web site creation and management program for PC
"super users".
Complete in one volume, this book provides a thorough overview of the
most-used features and functions of Microsoft's popular Website creation and
management program.
The book provides the information advanced users really need with no
beginner content included. It delivers comprehensive information about every
major tool and task in FrontPage, including creating Web pages, managing a
Personal Web Server, keeping a site up-to-date, and publishing a Web.
Throughout the book you'll find a wealth of timesaving tips and tricks, trou
bleshooting techniques, and indexes, plus a CD-ROM that holds an electronic
version of the book's text, handy Web links, sample macros and code,
tutorials, and utilities. This is the authoritative handbook you'll keep by
your computer and use whenever you're stuck or stumped!
Comprehensive-provides the ideal, technically-advanced overview of FrontPage
version 2002 and its features and functions, plus in-depth information about
all major FrontPage Version 2002 tools
Accessible-includes a quick-reference for each chapter, a master table of
contents, an extensive cross-referenced index, hundreds of screenshots, and
other easy navigation features
Clear-delivers real-world examples, timesaving tips and tricks, and
troubleshooting techniques, plus a CD-ROM full of handy tools, valuable
software and extensive utilities, all from the FrontPage version 2002
experts at Microsoft
For blot at nævne et par stykker, der alle gør brug af både asp, javascripts
o.lign. og som dækker, hvad der kan dækkes i forhold til FrontPage.
Det nemmeste ville jo nok have været, hvis Mikael havde stillet spørgsmålet
mere præcist og givet udtryk for nøjagtigt hvad hans problemstilling var.
Når han ikke gør det, så bidrager jeg alligevel gerne med et par forslag,
men kun ud fra de spørgsmål han stiller.
Knud svarer jo også mest på sager omkring scripts, uden dermed at kende hele
FrontPage og problematikken og Jens Peter svarer ofte på FP -spørgsmål som
han er ekspert i.
Så alt i alt: præcise spørgsmål kan afføde præcise svar - upræcise spørgsmål
afføder generelle svar - om nogen.