Jacob Herold Nielsen ytrede sig i <avdc9m$fi0$1@sunsite.dk> med dette:
>> The first official words on Master of Orion 3 in 2003 sound a lot like
>> last year's final words: "almost ready - but not quite." Publisher
>> Infogrames reports that Quicksilver has completed their move to new
>> offices and all the testers are back onboard and hard at work. In an
>> effort to cut down on the regression testing phase - which normally
>> takes up to three weeks - they've hired more testers and are now
>> estimating that it'll take only one week. An Infogrames producer
>> commented in the game's public forum that they would release MOO3 only
>> when "every known and documented crash bug and save game corruption bug
>> is out of the game." The only concrete word on its release date is
>> sometime before Feb. 28.
>Infogrames har spillet stående til den 15. herhjemme på deres liste. Jeg
>tror ikke selv på den dato, men jeg tror den kan nå at gå guld deromkring...
I følge <
http://apolyton.net/moo3/> er den sandsynlige dato 25/2, i sær
pga. denne press-release <
der angiver den 25/2 som ny officiel dato.
Da det er samme dato der er sat for Galactic Civilizations er det vel
ikke umuligt at der bliver lavet en kombineret release (køb begge spil
for 1½ spils pris
- og nej jeg vil ikke satse penge på det!).
[24 January 2003, 15:32]
Rantz Hoseley, the game's Art Director at Quicksilver:
"The date we were told for gold announcement would be today and that
stores would be the first part of Feb[ruary]. What IG decides to do, is
up to their marketing forces and such. Replication and distribution
*can* occur in as little as a week if a print rush is put on it."
http://moo3.quicksilver.com/main.html> er et dejligt syn, for alle os
der venter med længsel
Allan Stig Kiilerich Frederiksen