er det muligt at køre visse dele af Office2000 på Wine. Jeg kaster mig
optimistisk ud i projektet, og mounter CD-rom med;
mount -t iso9660 -o unhide /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom
for at undgå beskeden om manglende installationsfiler. Dette kan jeg dog kun
få lov til som root? Jeg kan nu køre "wine setup.exe", men får følgende;
******<copy paste>************
linux:/media/cdrom # wine setup.exe
Warning: wine requests its own values in windows registry.
Please use the script 'wine_set_default_reg' to set the values.
This warning is printed every time but the update of the registry
is needed only once after update of wine or windows.
Warning: The configuration file /root/.wine/config does not exist
or it is not valid for the current version of wine
!!! Please, ovewrite the old configuration by the winesetup !!!
You can also use at your own risk the script:
which will validate your current config file without
running winesetup.
Config file /root/.wine/config does not exist!
Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified
Application initialization failed: couldn't connect to display ":0.0"
WineSetupTk: It seems DISPLAY variable isn't set correctly.
Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified
Error: Can't open display: :0.0
grep: /root/.wine/config: Ingen sådan fil eller filkatalog
wine: cannot open /root/.wine : No such file or directory
linux:/media/cdrom #
**************</copy paste>***********
Jeg må indrømme det ser lidt kryptisk ud for mig. Er der én med et trænet
linuxøje der vil vejlede mht. næste trin???
* SuSE Linux 8.0 Prof, KDE 3.0.4, GeForce2 MX-200 *
* P4S333, P4 1.6ghz NW, 256mb DDR333, 80gb Seagate, 20gb IBM *
* Registered Linux user #291266, with