"Lasse Rønlev" <r@pc.dk> wrote in message
> Jeg har Stofanet (Kabel internet), og har det de ved stofanet kalder en
> SOCKET fejl. Noget med socket 10047, kan det passe?
Fandt nedenstående på
1. Remove DUN from Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs - Windows Setup tab,
click (don't un-check) Communications then click the Details button and
un-check Dial-up Networking. Click OK to close with windows.
2 Ignore prompt to Restart
3. Run regedit from the Start->Run box. Delete Winsock and Winsock2 branches
4. Run AUTODIAL.REG (see below). This puts back a few items into the
registry deleted in step 3. Run it by finding it in explorer and
double-clicking it.
5. Restart Windows
6. Reinstall DUN similar to how you removed it in step 1. (you will be
prompted for the Windows 98 CD)
7. Restart Windows
Winsock functions should be restored
Create a file called AUTODIAL.REG somewhere with the lines between the dash
lines below.
The procedure described above did solve my problem. One point, I checked
what happened to the registry when I ran the AUTODIAL.REG and noted that it
did not install the "AutodialDllName32"="url.dll" entry like I thought it
should so I did it manually after running the .REG and noticing it was
missing the key. I am not sure if it is required. Regedit lets you create
keys and values.
Jeg kan forstå på de efterfoelgende indlaeg, at der er mere end et par
stykker der har haft succes med det.
(Cola i tastaturet kan ikke anbefales... ae, oe etc.)