Mogens skrev:
> Bingo, jeg bruger PC-Cellin.
> Hvordan løser jeg problemet, uden at afinstallere virus check.
Mon ikke du kan bede PC-cillin om at den ikke skal scanne e-mails?
Det skulle da være mærkeligt andet. Når det er gjort kan du så
stille kontoindstillingerne i Outlook tilbage og scanne vedhæftede
filer manuelt. Det er selvfølgelig ikke så sikkert, medmindre du
husker at scanne vedhæftede filer inden du åbner dem.
Prøv evt. at læse her:
| If you don't want to run your antivirus program all the time,
| because of concerns about system performance, for example, you
| can disable its e-mail protection feature, then reconfigure
| Outlook Express to your original settings. (Be warned, though:
| this leaves your PC vulnerable to virus infection.) Happily, the
| latest version of Norton, Norton AntiVirus 2002, will protect your
| e-mail from viruses without making these annoying changes to your
| e-mail program settings; you might want to consider simply
| switching to a new antivirus app.
Med venlig hilsen