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Nokia eller andet...
Fra : Lars Brink

Dato : 11-09-02 08:27

Hej Gruppe!

Jeg leder efter en ny telefon (vel ca. nummer 7 eller 8 i rækken). Jeg har
efter min Motorola 7500 fra dengang spar konge var knægt kun haft Nokia og
været meget tilfred med dem alle. Nu har jeg en 3310 som dog er blevet snart
2 år gammel.

Jeg er vild med 6310i men vil gerne have en som er lidt pænere. Måske noget
ala den nye 6610. Dog vil jeg helst ikke være uden:

* IR
* Bluetooth
* 900/1800/1900

* Multimedie SMS tingen

Er der andre telefoner fra Nokia som har dette?

Mvh - Lars Brink

I have only been wrong once - that was when I thought that I was wrong.

Peter Rongsted (11-09-2002)
Fra : Peter Rongsted

Dato : 11-09-02 09:58

"Lars Brink" <usenet@papayaREMOVEconsulting.com> wrote:

>Hej Gruppe!
>Jeg leder efter en ny telefon (vel ca. nummer 7 eller 8 i rækken). Jeg har
>efter min Motorola 7500 fra dengang spar konge var knægt kun haft Nokia og
>været meget tilfred med dem alle. Nu har jeg en 3310 som dog er blevet snart
>2 år gammel.
>Jeg er vild med 6310i men vil gerne have en som er lidt pænere. Måske noget
>ala den nye 6610. Dog vil jeg helst ikke være uden:
>* IR
>* Bluetooth
>* 900/1800/1900
>* Multimedie SMS tingen
>Er der andre telefoner fra Nokia som har dette?

Udover 6310i er det vidst kun 7650 hos Nokia, som kan klare dine krav.
Og 7650 kan kun bruge bluetooth til dataforbindelse - ikke til headset.
6610/7210 kan det meste, men ikke bluetooth.

Nokia kommen med en 3G telefone 26/9. Det kan være, at der også kommer
nogle nye GSM telefoner.

Ellers er der Sony Ericsson T68i. Siemens er på vej med en, men den er
endnu ikke annonceret.


Karsten Jensen (11-09-2002)
Fra : Karsten Jensen

Dato : 11-09-02 20:23

On Wed, 11 Sep 2002 09:27:19 +0200, "Lars Brink"
<usenet@papayaREMOVEconsulting.com> wrote:


Hvad er GPRS ??


Med venlig hilsen fra

Karsten Jensen

Lasse Hedegaard (11-09-2002)
Fra : Lasse Hedegaard

Dato : 11-09-02 20:27

Karsten Jensen skrev:

>Hvad er GPRS ?

En hurtig søgning på Google:

Lasse Hedegaard

http://www.simlock.dk/ - låsesmeden til din simlock
** Nu også unlocking af Ericsson T39, T65 og T68 **

Få din Nokia 3310 opdateret til 3315! (Version 5.57)

Lars Brink (12-09-2002)
Fra : Lars Brink

Dato : 12-09-02 08:53

FRA: http://www.mobilegprs.com/whatis.htm

What is GPRS?

Key User Features of GPRS

The General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is a new nonvoice value added
service that allows information to be sent and received across a mobile
telephone network. It supplements today's Circuit Switched Data and Short
Message Service. GPRS is NOT related to GPS (the Global Positioning System),
a similar acronym that is often used in mobile contexts. GPRS has several
unique features which can be summarized as:


Theoretical maximum speeds of up to 171.2 kilobits per second (kbps) are
achievable with GPRS using all eight timeslots at the same time. This is
about three times as fast as the data transmission speeds possible over
today's fixed telecommunications networks and ten times as fast as current
Circuit Switched Data services on GSM networks.


GPRS facilitates instant connections whereby information can be sent or
received immediately as the need arises. No dial-up modem connection is
necessary. This is why GPRS users are sometimes referred to be as being
"always connected". Immediacy is one of the advantages of GPRS (and SMS)
when compared to Circuit Switched Data. High immediacy is a very important
feature for time critical applications such as remote credit card
authorization where it would be unacceptable to keep the customer waiting
for even thirty extra seconds.


GPRS facilitates several new applications that have not previously been
available over GSM networks due to the limitations in speed of Circuit
Switched Data (9.6 kbps) and message length of the Short Message Service
(160 characters). These applications, described later in this white paper,
range from web browsing to file transfer to home automation- the ability to
remotely access and control in-house appliances and machines.


To use GPRS, users specifically need:

a.. a mobile phone or terminal that supports GPRS (existing GSM phones do
NOT support GPRS)

b.. a subscription to a mobile telephone network that supports GPRS

c.. use of GPRS must be enabled for that user. Automatic access to the
GPRS may be allowed by some mobile network operators, others will require a
specific opt-in

d.. knowledge of how to send and/ or receive GPRS information using their
specific model of mobile phone, including software and hardware
configuration (this creates a customer service requirement)

e.. a destination to send or receive information through GPRS. Whereas
with SMS this was often another mobile phone, in the case of GPRS, it is
likely to be an Internet address, since GPRS is designed to make the
Internet fully available to mobile users for the first time. From day one,
GPRS users can access any web page or other Internet applications- providing
an immediate critical mass of uses.

Having looked at the key user features of GPRS, lets look at the key
features from a network operator perspective.

Key Network Features of GPRS


GPRS involves overlaying a packet based air interface on the existing
circuit switched GSM network. This gives the user an option to use a
packet-based data service. To supplement a circuit switched network
architecture with packet switching is quite a major upgrade. However, as we
shall see later, the GPRS standard is delivered in a very elegant manner-
with network operators needing only to add a couple of new infrastructure
nodes and making a software upgrade to some existing network elements.

With GPRS, the information is split into separate but related "packets"
before being transmitted and reassembled at the receiving end. Packet
switching is similar to a jigsaw puzzle- the image that the puzzle
represents is divided into pieces at the manufacturing factory and put into
a plastic bag. During transportation of the now boxed jigsaw from the
factory to the end user, the pieces get jumbled up. When the recipient
empties the bag with all the pieces, they are reassembled to form the
original image. All the pieces are all related and fit together, but the way
they are transported and assembled varies. The Internet itself is another
example of a packet data network, the most famous of many such network


Packet switching means that GPRS radio resources are used only when users
are actually sending or receiving data. Rather than dedicating a radio
channel to a mobile data user for a fixed period of time, the available
radio resource can be concurrently shared between several users. This
efficient use of scarce radio resources means that large numbers of GPRS
users can potentially share the same bandwidth and be served from a single
cell. The actual number of users supported depends on the application being
used and how much data is being transferred. Because of the spectrum
efficiency of GPRS, there is less need to build in idle capacity that is
only used in peak hours. GPRS therefore lets network operators maximize the
use of their network resources in a dynamic and flexible way, along with
user access to resources and revenues.

GPRS should improve the peak time capacity of a GSM network since it

a.. allocates scarce radio resources more efficiently by supporting
virtual connectivity

b.. migrates traffic that was previously sent using Circuit Switched Data
to GPRS instead, and

c.. reduces SMS Center and signaling channel loading by migrating some
traffic that previously was sent using SMS to GPRS instead using the GPRS/
SMS interconnect that is supported by the GPRS standards.


For the first time, GPRS fully enables Mobile Internet functionality by
allowing interworking between the existing Internet and the new GPRS
network. Any service that is used over the fixed Internet today- File
Transfer Protocol (FTP), web browsing, chat, email, telnet- will be as
available over the mobile network because of GPRS. In fact, many network
operators are considering the opportunity to use GPRS to help become
wireless Internet Service Providers in their own right.

The World Wide Web is becoming the primary communications interface- people
access the Internet for entertainment and information collection, the
intranet for accessing company information and connecting with colleagues
and the extranet for accessing customers and suppliers. These are all
derivatives of the World Wide Web aimed at connecting different communities
of interest. There is a trend away from storing information locally in
specific software packages on PCs to remotely on the Internet. When you want
to check your schedule or contacts, instead of using something like "Act!",
you go onto the Internet site such as a portal. Hence, web browsing is a
very important application for GPRS.

Because it uses the same protocols, the GPRS network can be viewed as a
sub-network of the Internet with GPRS capable mobile phones being viewed as
mobile hosts. This means that each GPRS terminal can potentially have its
own IP address and will be addressable as such.


It should be noted right that the General Packet Radio Service is not only a
service designed to be deployed on mobile networks that are based on the GSM
digital mobile phone standard. The IS-136 Time Division Multiple Access
(TDMA) standard, popular in North and South America, will also support GPRS.
This follows an agreement to follow the same evolution path towards third
generation mobile phone networks concluded in early 1999 by the industry
associations that support these two network types.

Mvh - Lars Brink

I have only been wrong once - that was when I thought that I was wrong.

Karsten Jensen (12-09-2002)
Fra : Karsten Jensen

Dato : 12-09-02 09:47

On Thu, 12 Sep 2002 09:52:58 +0200, "Lars Brink"
<usenet@papayaREMOVEconsulting.com> wrote:

>FRA: http://www.mobilegprs.com/whatis.htm
>What is GPRS?

Takker for info.. Er det udbredt i DK? Findes der særlige services
vedr. GPRS i DK?


Med venlig hilsen fra

Karsten Jensen

Lars Brink (12-09-2002)
Fra : Lars Brink

Dato : 12-09-02 11:23

> Takker for info.. Er det udbredt i DK? Findes der særlige services
> vedr. GPRS i DK?

Jeg ved at nogle selskaber tilbyder det allerede nu til at være på 'nettet'
hele tiden og kun betale for trafik. Frit fra huskeren koster det vist
omkring 120/kvartal (eller måned) + 20-25/MB så det er ikke helt billigt

Men sejt at fjernstyre sine servere fra sin iPAQ+mobil (NetOp) fra bussen
eller et eller andet sted uden at skulle på kontoret.

Mvh - Lars Brink

I have only been wrong once - that was when I thought that I was wrong.

Kasper Vibe Grevsen (12-09-2002)
Fra : Kasper Vibe Grevsen

Dato : 12-09-02 13:54

> > Takker for info.. Er det udbredt i DK? Findes der særlige services
> > vedr. GPRS i DK?
> Jeg ved at nogle selskaber tilbyder det allerede nu til at være på
> hele tiden og kun betale for trafik. Frit fra huskeren koster det vist
> omkring 120/kvartal (eller måned) + 20-25/MB så det er ikke helt billigt
> endnu.

Jeg tror det er noget i den stil, ja.
Så vidt jeg husker kan både Telia og TDC tilbyde GPRS. Det er vidst også
muligt at koble et TDC GPRS abb. sammen med Telmore.

mvh Kasper Grevsen / Århus
PS: Fjern store bogstaver fra emailadressen.

Unlock af Nokia 3310/3330 og Siemens C45 m.fl.
Jeg yder naturligvis garanti på telefonerne.

Peter Rongsted (12-09-2002)
Fra : Peter Rongsted

Dato : 12-09-02 14:28

"Kasper Vibe Grevsen" <kaspervg@mail1.NOCAPSstofanet.dENMARk> wrote:

>> > Takker for info.. Er det udbredt i DK? Findes der særlige services
>> > vedr. GPRS i DK?
>> Jeg ved at nogle selskaber tilbyder det allerede nu til at være på 'nettet'
>> hele tiden og kun betale for trafik. Frit fra huskeren koster det vist
>> omkring 120/kvartal (eller måned) + 20-25/MB så det er ikke helt billigt
>> endnu.
>Jeg tror det er noget i den stil, ja.
>Så vidt jeg husker kan både Telia og TDC tilbyde GPRS. Det er vidst også
>muligt at koble et TDC GPRS abb. sammen med Telmore.

Hos Sonofon, TDC Mobil og Telia kan alle oprette GPRS abonnement. Hos
Orange er det endnu kun erhvervskunder. Privatkunder skulle dog snart
kunne, men det har de sagt før.

Hos TDC kan man oprette et selvstændigt GPRS abonnement, men så koster
det kr. 240 i kvartalet.


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