Fra USA har jeg fået følgende, er der nogen der kan og vil hjælpe ?????
iflg FT i 1920 i Chicago er James Christian Therkildsen 52 år ( født i ca:
1868 )
iflg Ellisisland : Kom han til USA den April 30, 1892, 25 år ( født i ca:
1867 )
I am trying to find information about my grandfather, James Christian
Therkildsen as he was called in the US.
We believe that he was born in 1872. He came to this country in the mid
1890's to Chicago, where he
spent his whole life till he died at 52 in 1924. He was a cheesemaker in
but became a painter in Chicago. He was also a boxing champion in Denmark.
Any information about his birth, family, would be appreciated.
Jim Therkildsen
30218 Poplar Dr, Burlington, WI 53105
Med venlig hilsen
Tom Stryhn Sr.