"carl munk" <carl@munk.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> "J@N" <itjf@nospam.dk> wrote in message news:<ahc53i$sfr$1@sunsite.dk>...
> > <complex@pc.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> > Selvfølgelig skal han opgradere, jeg har gjort det 4 gange uden
> >
> > her er linket, læs det grundigt:
> >
> >
> Hej Jan
> Jeg har opgraderet, det var da ikke svært
> men stadig kan jeg ikke vælge DANSK sprog, det gør nu ikke noget - men
> jeg troede du vidste hvad opgraderingen indeholdte
> vh
> carl
Du har vel læst dette inden du opgraderede:
This firmware update (Version affects the following symptoms
Firmware update Version replaces previous Firmware update
Versions and provides the following user benefit:
Improves the internal charging function for BP-511 Battery Packs
that have become over-discharged.
In addition, it includes the same user benefits as those from the
previous PowerShot G1 Firmware Update Versions and
Improvement of Ver.
Eliminates the occasional occurrence of unusual brightness or
darkness in the LCD panel display when the shutter button is pressed halfway
in the Tv mode.
Improvements of Ver.
Solution for resetting the date at the end of the month.
Correction of an underexposure problem that occurred in low
light conditions when an EX-series Speedlite(220EX/ 380EX/ 420EX/ 550EX)was
mounted on the camera but turned off.
Speedlites 160E/ 200E will now flash when mounted on the
PowerShot G1. But, as they are not EX-series Speedlites, they will fire at
full strength. (Automatic flash exposure with the PowerShot G1 is only
possible using the built-in flash or an EX-series Speedlite.)
Correction of problem in which initial shutter "click" sound
would occasionally not emit upon exposure first time after turning the power
Har du valgt sprog ???? Hvis ja er det åbenbart ikke muligt at vælge dansk
sprog, så er der åbenbart forskel på bios, det har jeg godt nok ikke hørt om
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