"Time for my standard battery tirade: I've gotten so many emails about power
issues for digicams, that I'm now inserting this standard notice in the
reviews of all AA-powered cameras on our site: Don't even *think* about
using alkaline AA batteries in a digicam! Despite their being packed in the
box with many cameras, they simply don't have the juice to handle typical
digicam demands. Big kudos to Sony for including a very high capacity set of
AA NiMH cells with the P71, as well as a nice little charger. Do yourself a
favor though, and get a couple of extra sets of high-capacity NiMH AA cells,
and always keep one set charged and ready to go while the other is in the
camera. The Sony batteries appear to be of very good quality, so you could
just get another set or two of them, or try a couple of sets of the new (as
of this writing, in early 2002) Maha 1800 mAh PowerEx brand cells from
Thomas Distributing. (In my battery testing, these new Maha 1800s are
currently running at the top of the chart for useful capacity.) There's
nothing more frustrating than running out of battery power in the middle of
an outing. Spend the money on good-quality batteries and you'll be glad you
Gunnar K
"Michael Lund Sørensen" <> wrote in
message news:cfnU8.3274$
> Jeg har købt et Sony P71 digital kamera og det bruger batterier i AA
> størrelsen. Der medfølger Nickel-Hydride batterier og det er da også OK.
> Men de skulle jo lades op først og man er vel utålmodig!
> Jeg fandt derfor nogle Alkaline batterier frem, men inden jeg satte dem i,
> fik jeg læst i manualen, og her blev jeg totalt forvirret!
> Der står (manualen gælder P31/P51/P71)
> Batterie that cannot be used
> Manganese batteries, lithium batteris, nicad batteries alkaline batteries
> (cannot be used with the DSC-P71)
> * Use of AA alkaline batteries may result in shorter than desired
> time. (only in the DSC-P51/P31)
> When alkaline batteries are used, take note of the following
> (og så står der en hel masse om at spare på strømmen og at batteri
> indicatoren kan vise forkert.)
> Som jeg læser det, udelukker det helt, at jeg bruger alkaline batterier
> som nødstrømforsyning), men hvorfor det ?
> Jeg kan sagtens leve med en kort levetid for batteriene (i nogen
> er økonomien mindre vigtig).
> Men mon kameraet kan tage skade af alkaline batterier ?
> --
> Hilsen
> Michael Lund Sørensen