On Sun, 23 Jun 2002 10:31:54 +0200, Peter Makholm wrote:
> Hmmm. Kast lige et blik på
> <
> Det tror jeg ikke lige er en hyldevare.
Fra netcrafts FAQ:
Why do you report impossible operating system/server combinations ?
Webservers that operate behind a caching system, load balancer, reverse
proxy server or a firewall may sometimes report the operating system of
the intermediate machine. Hence reports of 'Microsoft/IIS on Linux' may
indicate that either the web server is behind a Linux server that is
acting as a reverse proxy, or has configured the Akamai caching system
such that the first request to the site goes to one of Akamai's servers
[which run Linux], or as in the case of
www.walmart.com has been
configured to send a misleading signature.
Med venlig hilsen
Bo Simonsen
Join the GNU generation!