Morten Ovi wrote:
> 2) Jeg har mistet passphrasen til den anden nøgle. Er der overhovedet
> nogen mulighed for at revoke den eller på anden måde gøre den
> ugyldig? Jeg kan ikke finde noget svar i PGPs manual.
Fra FAQ:
7.4 How do I indicate that my key is invalid when I don't have the
secret key anymore?
This is a very tricky situation, and should be avoided at all costs. The
easiest way is to prepare a key revocation certificate (See 7.3 for
details on how to do this) before you need it, so you can always revoke
the key, even without the secret key.
Alternatively, you can use a binary editor to change one of the user IDs
on your public key to read "Key invalid; use key 0x12345678" or
something to that effect. Keep in mind that the new user ID can't be
longer than the old one, unless you know what you are doing. Then
extract the key, and send it to the keyserver. It will think this is
actually a new user ID, and add it to your key there.
However, since anyone can do the above, many people will not trust
unsigned user IDs with such statements. As explained in question 6.3,
all user IDs on your key should be self-signed. So again, make a key
revocation certificate in advance and use that when necessary.
Det hjaelper ikke meget, men maaske lidt.
Haaber du finder ud af det.
Ole Michaelsen, Darmstadt, Germany