Lars Klintholm <> skrev:
> I scoring.txt står der:
> Xnews does NOT allow scoring on any header other than those
> mentioned, namely, Message-ID, From, Subject, XRef, Lines, and
> References Det må vel være et NEJ!
Sådan er det ikke længere. Der kan scores på alle headere det kan dog
være lidt langsommere, da XOVER kommandoen ikke henter hele headeren.
Denne ændring blev indført med 5.01.09:
From the changes.txt of release 5.01.09:
+ Yes, Virginia, you can now score on non-standard headers such as
NNTP-Posting-Host. By non standard headers, I mean those that are NOT
in XOVER) . As with everything Xnews, there are caveats:
1) Your server must support the XHDR command. As I understand it, most
However, some servers (e.g., Typhoon) only support the standard XOVER
so you still can't score on anything other than the standard headers
from, message-id, lines, xref, and now, bytes).
2) It takes time to download those extra headers.
3) I don't save them in storage, so if you have ScoreStoredArticles=1,
scores with
non standard headers will not work on stored headers.
4) If you edit the score file while a group is opened and add one or
standard headers, those scores will not take effect til next time you
the group.