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som sædvanligt sad jeg her til aften og læste ALLE newsgroups som har med
netværk og icq at gøre for at finde en der havde løsningen på ICQ2001B
filetransfer error (cant connect) (som jeg har gjort hver eneste aften i
flere mdr nu) og indtil i aften har der ikke været bid !!!
Og det virker ! (kør netstat -a fra en komando promt og tjek selv !
Håber at alle som bruger løsningen vil sende en mail til johan@tuneld.com
og takke ham for løsningen
Cut n paste fra : alt.icq
Emne: ICQ 2001b BUG !! (And I have the solution)
Well well.. after helping my friends with their ICQ and also at work I have
got enough proof to standup and shout: "BUG !!!"
We "security freaks" want to make it as hard as possible to use a backdoor
in ICQ to use. So we want to be able to tell ICQ what ports to use. That way
we can shutdown alot of ports. So now we only need to listen on that
portarea we specified.
Have specified ports in Trillian/2000b and that works fine...
My Setup:
Well I tried to specify ports as ordinary:
1. Start ICQ
2. Main > Preferences > Connections > User
3. Choose "Not Using Proxy" > "use the following TCP..."
4. choose a free portarea like 24500-24510
....everything else in ICQ is default...and I asumes that you use NAT as
internet sharing, or is direcly connected to internet..
My problem:
The DAMN ICQ 2001b isn´t listening on the ports I specified !!!!
(easiest way is to look in TPF Status Window)
...It still uses random ports ... *sigh*
My first step for solution:
After loooong time (using both Trillian and 2000b instead of the new 2001b)
I took a brainstorm and tried everything !!!
...changed ports. used all sorts of proxy...and suddenly IT WORKED !!
....but what was it that made my life worth living again?
made a fresh install with windows 2k on my computer and carefully monitored
the ICQ listening ports.
1. Start ICQ
2. Main > Preferences > Connections > User
3. Change your setting from "specified ports" to "using Proxy"
4. Select Socks 4
5. Apply and restart
Now (strange) you will se a listening port in that area you specified !!..
and now you should change back to "Specified Ports" in ICQ and it will stay
there for you ...
And from now on after this "trick" you will be able to change portarea as
you wish...
And I hope you also tries this so you will se (and secure ICQ more) what I'm
talkning about
....a small chance is that you have already tried Proxy settings in ICQ and
have "disabled" the bug in ICQ.. so don´t write back and tell me how wrong I
....Have done this on atleast 20 computers (much just to see if it was the
same problem...)...and friends has backed me up and thanked me for helping
Thank you for reading this and mail me if you feel like telling/asking me
something about this!!
Johan Tuneld
Mail: johan@tuneld.com