On Mon, 4 Feb 2002 18:59:07 +0000 (UTC), Michael Knudsen
<mk267673@but.auc.dk> wrote:
>Hvis du selv synes, at noget er off topic, så lad være med at lave
>indlæg en anden gang.
Jeg "synes" ikke det er off-topic, men da jeg ikke ved, hvad det
drejer sig om kan jeg kun gætte.. Og tage fejl, hvilket ville gøre det
>Ehm, mon ikke det blot er folks signaturer, du mener?
Det er det eneste jeg er sikker på, at det ikke er...
>Hvis du snakker en form for kryptering, må du mene
>"steganografi". Stenografi er, så vidt jeg ved, en måde at afskrive
>noget på, eks. som i retssale.
Ja, jeg mente stegano...
>Som sagt, tror jeg, at du forveksler det med folks signatur. Formålet
>med dem er vel egentlig blot at sætte et personligt præg på et indlæg.
Det har ikke noget med signatur at gøre... For at komme med yderligere
et eksempel er herunder... Og det er LANGT. Jeg tror stadigt ikke du
vil foreslå signatur...
Og hvis der ikke kommer andre forslag, vil jeg så skåne gruppen og
lade emnet ligge
While plates usably behave pickles, the drapers often look alongside
the lost goldsmiths. Greg pours the shoe throughout hers and
partially plays.
Patrice's onion cares above our code after we learn about it. Are you
younger, I mean, sowing against clean powders?
These days, go creep a paper! Better answer boats now or Katherine
will familiarly arrive them beneath you. He'll be hating under good
Will until his dryer changes stupidly.
If the strong ulcers can promise halfheartedly, the humble weaver may
attack more signs. Do not cook dully while you're laughing in back of
a weird walnut. When does Cyrus call so angrily, whenever Georgina
loves the strange floor very nearly? There Zack will move the pen,
and if Georgina lazily dreams it too, the grocer will receive at the
lean store. Nowadays, Zebediah never likes until Bob irritates the
sour game eerily. They will sadly fear on Julie when the blunt cases
taste without the durable plain. How did Anthony believe the sticker
over the raw cloud? Franklin, below jackets dry and hot, opens to
it, departing quietly. She might seek the abysmal bush and fill it
in its winter. Paul! You'll talk enigmas. Just now, I'll join the
diet. Where Mark's hollow pear walks, Wally improves within
pathetic, sticky hairs.
How doesn't Georgina help superbly? Almost no poor cobblers dye Gay,
and they rigidly reject Austin too.
Get your sneakily burning card alongside my corner. If you will
grasp Francis's mirror about shopkeepers, it will badly order the
tyrant. Just teasing in a carrot around the summer is too easy for
Clifford to clean it. For Excelsior the poultice's deep, outside me
it's unique, whereas in back of you it's smelling solid. Other fat
blank bowls will excuse annually to tags. I am freely quiet, so I
scold you. It's very dark today, I'll lift gently or Bert will pull
the porters. If you'll comb Angelo's hallway with wrinkles, it'll
firmly kill the farmer. They are nibbling to cheap, in front of
short, alongside upper dogs. All hats unbelievably solve the sad
swamp. All forks will be cosmetic tired counters. He will mould
once, attempt virtually, then judge beside the coconut against the
highway. A lot of kind handsome painters wrongly expect as the proud
teachers recommend. Tell Milton it's fresh explaining against a
book. Until Allen climbs the kettles seemingly, Bob won't converse
any sick stables. We cover them, then we mercilessly kick Jeff and
Pearl's clever lemon.