Niels Andersen skrev:
>Just for your information: It's Copenhagen or København... :)
.... or "Kopenhagen" in German.
>>I mean that while staying in DK I would like to make calls outside Denmark.
>As far as I know you can't.
Of course you can. Global One is very cheap, according to some
friends of mine. I don't phone abroad myself, so I have no
personal experience with it.
You probably think of the limited possibilities that a
subscription with some (all?) Danish provider offers, but that is
far from the only way to get acces to mobile phoning.
>This is the prices with mobilix for prepaid cards:
>For kr. 495,- you get a number, a phone and kr. 100,- available for calling.
>Calling is 3 kr. pr. minut (4,50 outside bigger cities). SMS is 0,75.
>This includes a free "amswering machine".
If you don't need a new phone, all you have to do is buy a card,
and they are provided by dozens of companies and are easily
>You can also buy a number without a phone. As far as I know the number
>itself is very cheap.
Here is a free number: 23975