"Mr Cool" <dsl67227@vip.cybercity.dk> skrev i en meddelelse news:a378jn$c7$1@news.cybercity.dk...
> kan nogen hjælpe med at fortælle vilke programmer der er gode til at lave
> foto cd'er.ved ikke om det er en forkert ng,hvis det er så beklager jeg.
> på forehånd tak for hjælpen.
Det er ikke sikkert det er det du mener, men jeg opfatter det som
at du vil have et program der starter og viser billederne når Cd'en sættes i.
Jeg kan anbefale følgende 2.
Med venlig hilsen
> Er det muligt at brænde nogle billeder på en CD, som man så kunne tage med
> til fremvisning på en anden pc ( win 95 / 98 ) uden at skulle installere
> nogen form for fremviser, skal kunne afvikles direkte fra cd-rom drev.
Jeg bruger selv PhotoPlayer, som kan vise en vilkårlig størrelse billede så
det udfylder PC-skærmen :
PhotoPlayer is a standalone program for playing pictures specially
designed to be included on a picture CD-ROM. However it can just as well
be used as an image viewer with slideshow on your local PC. Among the
features are automatic playing of all pictures in the selected directory
and its subdirectories, full range of options and command line support
as well as very simple shortcut keys, quickly accessed tips, customized
background color. PhotoPlayer includes an easy to use, integrated
autorun.inf creator that allows you to create photo CDs that start
automatically when they are inserted. All you need to do is create your
autorun.inf from within the program and include it and the photoplay.exe
on the CD. The viewer will see all images displayed in the PhotoPlayer,
using the custom options, you specified. PhotoPlayer will play pictures
of JPEG, BITMAP, Windows Meta and GIF formats.
Our Rating:
License: freeware Size: 340k Download Purchase: $0 Win 95/98/NT/2000/ME
This is a beta test version. Use this program at your own risk.
© 20001 UniDream Technologies Inc. reserves all rights.
UniDream PhotoPlayerT SE is a standalone program solely playing digital photos on CDs and hard drives.
Key features:
Green program.
Automatic and manual search and play
Recursive play
Loop play
Simple shortcut keys and very cool quick tips
Slide-show supports 4 different display modes
Slide-show supports 127 animation effects
Four predefined view modes
Very robust play interval control
Hide me
Favorite background color and texture
Photo frame
Prevent system standby
On-top while playing
Background music
Dynamic music list menu
Photo comment
Resumable play
Pause play when inactive
Pause both play and music when minimized
More than ten photo file formats
Set desktop wallpaper
Self cleanup
WYSIWYG autorun
Commercial features
Context sensitive help