Carl Ansgar Andersen wrote:
> Straks jeg får forbindelse til TDC får jeg et startbillede med
> Netscape og her en overskrift med en eller anden nyhed fra CNN.
> Er der ikke en eller andet sted jeg kan fravælge og undgå dette.
> Jeg bruger Netscape 4.5 og et 56 k modem
> M.v.h.
> Carl Ansgar Andersen. Bornholm
Jeg er engang faldet over løsningen på dit problem, tror jeg.
Jeg havde gemt teksten - nederst - på min PC. Jeg ved ikke eksakt hvor
det stammer fra, bortset fra at det er fra Netscape's officcielle eller
uofficielle hjemmeside.
Det er da ikke bare din startside der er forkert.?
Den rettes under: Edit/Preferences/Navigator. "Home page"
Jeg har Netscape 4.7 på engelsk. Men den er vel meget lig din 4.5.?
Iøvrigt ville gruppen "" være den helt
korrekte at sende dit spørgsmål i.
Mvh. Jørgen
How do I Get Rid of the Welcome to Netscape Messenger Page?
Applies to: Communicator 4.5 and up
Operating Systems: Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT.
Problem: How do I get rid of the "Netscape Communications
Services/Welcome to Netscape Messenger" page that appears every
time I start Messenger?
You can either disable the Messenger Start Page or change the URL
it loads.
To disable it:
1.CLOSE COMMUNICATOR !!! This procedure will not work otherwise
2.Use the Windows Explorer file manager and go to your
....\Netscape\Users\{username}\ directory.
3.Find the file named prefs.js and make a backup copy. You can
do this quickly in Windows Explorer by right-clicking prefs.js,
choosing Copy, then right-click a blank space in Explorer's
right pane and choose Paste.
4.Use Notepad or another text editor to open prefs.js.
5.Add the following line on a line of its own:
user_pref("mailnews.start_page.enabled", false);
You may wish to copy and paste the above line to avoid
6.If you typed in the above line, verify that it is exactly as
shown above. Errors will cause this to fail to work, and may result in a
corrupted prefs.js file.
7.Close the text editor and save changes.
8.Restart Netscape.
To change the URL:
1.Follow steps 1-4 above.
2.Add the following on a line of its own:
Replace with the full URL you wish
to use instead.
3.Verify that line is exactly as shown above, with the URL you
wish to use in quotes. Errors will cause this to fail to work, and
may result in a corrupted prefs.js file.
4.Close the text editor and save changes.
5.Restart Netscape.