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The Teachings of Don VoladEuro
Fra : Claudio Solis

Dato : 06-01-02 15:15


MAY 2002 and JULY 2003 _Critical_ for the European Union
Euro robbery at Rome and the futurity of the European Union

->>> O5, I Ching and Astrology tuition t8@puck.dhs.org <<<-
<<<<- (C) 2002 Claudio Solis-Zic, All Rights Reserved ->>>>
news:alt.astrology.marketplace http://phenix.rootshell.be/~weasel


Italy joins Europe with its first Euro robbery, which serves as
a series of portents for the United States of Europe. The astrologer
investigates on the market trends issuing from this particular event
and Euro in general. Favorable April and August 2002, critical May
2002, fatal July 2003. Scroll down for sample exact dates.

The Euro has not a happy horoscope, starting with a Mars Pluto square
always a portent of wars, terrorism, conflict and division. In this
case, the first symptoms come from Italy, a sleeping country, according
to the map, but with vigilant and lucky robbers.

Hypnos exactly M.C. at Rome. First Euro robbery. The listing shows the
positions of the M.C. and darkplanet Hypnos, both 07ø20' Cancer, not
far from Varuna (king of terror and jihad planet) and Jupiter.

PL SCH 16 4 3 87 HY KRE 7 20r 10 10 KRE 7 20 juo JUN 3 9r
AC WAA 6 17 1 TH WAA 20 48 1 11 LOW 13 14 SMO FIS 14 44
MC KRE 7 20 10 SY SKO 21 44 2 12 JUN 12 2 TMO LOW 0 52
TN ZWI 27 8r 9 PR JUN 16 8r 12 CD WID 14 2 qb1 WID 11 38

Good news for Euro lovers 28.1 2.4 29.4 3.8 when the Euro has the
mighty Fortuna at it's side. The predictions are being currently
made slightly from the side of Rome, but are also generally
applicable, perhaps a day of correction for the other members
of the community. 1/28/2002 4/2 4/29 8/3/2002 Euro is "up".

The Euro will need more than just Fortuna on July 23rd 2003,
a potentially fatal day (+/- a couple of days). The first
major crisis in May 2002. Here the critical days in european
and american format 26.1 31.1 10.2 16.3 20.3 15.5 21.5 27.5
15.6 23.11 2002 (1/26/2002 1/31 2/10 3/16 3/20 5/15 5/21 5/27
6/15 11/23/2002 and those are only _some_ of the critical days.

Currencies used to start when the astrologer said so. The 1000 DM
banknote used to show it's "creator", and as I'm told, other
currency was determined by astrologers. No astrologer would
sign up this one. This chart is more akin to Osama bin Liden's,
than to a finantial chart. I wonder if Bill Meridian will comment
this on http://www.billmeridian.com

Whether the "darkplanet" Hypnos /1/ helped the robbers, or not,
and the position of the houses for Rome is quite unimportant for
the general predictions for the Euro. We take the Rome event as
the omen: if robbery happens at the dawn of a new era, terrorism
follows and discordia settles in. No thing is started with such
an aspectarian. /2/

/1/ The 17 darkplanets are one of the three sets of ex hypothetical
transneptuners, namely the avestan, the hamburger and the bavarian
set. I have nicked the bavarian set "dark planets".

/2/ This is a brief analysis for the general public and non-astrologers.
A detailed analysis will show many other flaws and hopefully bright
spots, but it is generally not very portentous to have a Mars Pluto
square, a sure sign of disputes.

->>> O5, I Ching and Astrology tuition t8@puck.dhs.org <<<-
<<<<- (C) 2002 Claudio Solis-Zic, All Rights Reserved ->>>>
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