Jeg har sendt denne mail til folkene bag memtest86 og til
asus-supportteamet. Kan mit problem måske skyldes timingen på rammen?? Og
hvordan ændrer jeg den og til hvad??? Håber nogen kan hjælpe mig, for jeg er
ved at være godt træt af at købe dyrere og dyrere ram hele tiden.
Sorry to bother you.
I send this mail to Asus support team. At the bottom I've added the
testresults from Memtest86. Do u think u'll might be able to help me?
I have a problem with getting my RAM working properly. I've tested them with
Norton System Works and Memtest86 and they didn't pass the test. That
doesn't sound unusual at all. Only thing is I've tried 3 brands of RAM now,
and it can't really be true that they all have failures. I use Spectek
256MbRAM PC133 now, and they work fine and passes the tests.
And don't tell me now, that those expensive Kingston Value RAM i just bought
have failures, not both blocks of RAM. 'Cause in that case I must be the
most unlucky man on earth, since I bought 6 blocks of RAM, 3 brands, and
they all have failures.
Anyway, it says that the A7V supports 1.5Gb RAM, but why cant I get it
working with 512 then?
My system:
OS Win98SE
A7V (old version with 2xUDMA100 + 2xDMA66)
2x 512 Kingston Value RAM PC133 (same testresult if only tested with 1x)
45Gb IBM Deskstar
5.4Gb Quantum Fireball
6.4 Gb Quantum Fireball
SB 128PCI Soundcard
Inno3D Tornado 32Mb graphicscard
Realtek Ethernet
Adaptec SCSI
Acard SCSI
Plextor CDRW
4in1437(a) installed
Please help me in this matter, since I've allready asked questions about
this in several newsgroups, and have not gotten the answer that could help
Tim Lerche Sørensen
Memtest86 results:
Test Pass Failing adress Good Bad Errorbits Count
6 2 015c44ec 0000 00040000 00040000 9