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Åh nej, ik´ igen...
Fra : AnnLou
Vist : 508 gange
100 point
Dato : 15-10-02 14:27

ØV, jeg har installeret XP, fordi Win98 gik i ged. XP har fungeret perfekt, men sørme om der ikke igen kommer en fejlmelding frem ved opstart....; WHAgent.exe....WSCUpdate Provider ...could not be located in the dynamic Link Library WS2.32.dll. Hvad er nu det for noget???!!!
Jeg har godt nok været inde og downloade et par programmer, har jeg fået en virus med i købet? Jeg har antivirus installeret, så det skulle da ikke være muligt.
Jeg håber på et godt tip, da jeg ikke orker at skulle hele geninstallerings processen igennem en gang til.
Tak for hjælpen, Ann Louise

Fra : als

Dato : 15-10-02 14:43

Hvis det er kommet efter at du har downloaded noget så kunne det tyde på at det har noget at gøre med download af programmerne. Er det muligt at få lidt at vide om hvad du har downloaded eller?? Kunne måske være du har fået noget spyware med i købet.

Fra : Nyhedsbruger

Dato : 15-10-02 13:26

"AnnLou" <AnnLou.news@kandu.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> ØV, jeg har installeret XP, fordi Win98 gik i ged. XP har fungeret
> perfekt, men sørme om der ikke igen kommer en fejlmelding frem ved
> opstart....; WHAgent.exe....WSCUpdate Provider ...could not be located
> in the dynamic Link Library WS2.32.dll. Hvad er nu det for noget???!!!
> Jeg har godt nok været inde og downloade et par programmer, har jeg
> fået en virus med i købet? Jeg har antivirus installeret, så det
> skulle da ikke være muligt.
> Jeg håber på et godt tip, da jeg ikke orker at skulle hele
> geninstallerings processen igennem en gang til.
> Tak for hjælpen, Ann Louise

www.google.com søg på "WHAgent.exe"

prøv også http://www.lavasoftusa.com
et fikst program, men husk at opdatere det.


Accepteret svar
Fra : zonker

Modtaget 110 point
Dato : 15-10-02 15:16

her har du løsningen godt nok men på engelsk :

When it comes to real sleaze as far as spyware is concerned, in my opinion Webhancer has to be given top billing. This application is a full-fledged executable program file that can be surrepticiously downloaded to your hard drive, without either your knowledge or permission. It is usually downloaded right along with, or included in, another application that you are downloading, or even if you are just viewing a website that uses it.

Webhancer reportedly overwrites some critical system files, and if you try to delete it, even with the AdAware program, it will leave your system crippled with Explorer-related errors. When I picked up this nefarious piece of garbage on my system a while back, it was necessary to reinstall all my system files from backups. Even when the program is removed, you have to find and delete several of its files that are left in your system folder, as outlined below.

To find out if you have this app installed on your system, use any of the following methods:

Look for the folder "Webhancer" in your C:\Program Files folder.
Use CTRL-ALT-DELETE and look to see if "Whagent" is listed in the task list.
Check for any of the following files in your Windows folder:


If any of the above is a positive, then you too are a host for this thing. Webhancer should really be called a virus, rather than spyware, since it not only is put onto your system without your knowledge, it also may cripple your system if you try to simply delete it.

If you are infected with this parasite, I don't recommend using any spyware removal/detection software except AdAware *(See the Updated Info below)... in some cases this will only cause you more problems. It is usually best to follow the directions given here.

It may be a good idea to print this article before you begin; you'll find a printer friendly link at the bottom of this page.

Click Start - Settings - Control Panel
Double-Click Add/Remove Programs.
Look for either Web Hancer Agent or Whagent, highlight and click Add/Remove.
Look in your Windows directory for the 5 files listed above and delete them manually.
Delete the WebHancer folder in your Program Files folder.
Note: If you get a sharing violation, it will be because wbhshare.dll is still in memory-- you'll have to reboot before you can delete this and continue.
Delete all the following files from your Temp folder (depends on your configuration- could be C:\Temp, C:\Windows\Temp or .tmp. etc.)


For good measure, clear your Temporary Internet Files folder (cache).

* Update:
Since the above information was posted, I have received a spate of emails from viewers saying that even with all the above steps, they are unable to completely remover Webhancer. In most cases, I have found that this was simply because they had been re-infecting their system, by continuing to use applications that surrepticiously install the app, or by return visits to websites that sneakily install the thing without announcing that they are doing so.

Needless to say, if you are experiencing the same problem, you will have to carefully do a little detective work to try to ascertain which applications may be installing Webhancer on the sly as you use them, or if the thing seems to re-appear mysteriously after visiting certain websites, expecially gaming and IRC chat sites.

Also, a very good anti-spyware app by the name of AdAware has recently been upgraded to detect and remove Webhancer automatically, in most cases. You can find a free copy of AdAware Here.

The reason I said "in most cases" above, is because this spyware has evidently been upgraded to modify your Windows Sockets configuration, binding itself to Winsock so that all packets are passed through WebHancer. Because of this, some readers are reporting an inability to connect to the web after removing the app, and if you should experience this problem you may need to reinstall Winsock 2 from Microsoft's website.

As of this writing, the Winsock 2 file can be found Here. I would strongly suggest that you download the file and save it to your hard disk before you use Ad-Aware to remove the spyware, and once removal is complete, you will then have the Winsock 2 handy for installation in case you have any problems connecting to the internet.

As a last resort, as distasteful as it may be, and if nothing else works, go the the Webhancer website and download and install the app over your existing installation, and then use Add/Remove Programs to uninstall the whole thing.

I won't go into all the things that this spyware app reports on you, but believe me, you would be amazed. This is no mere cookie. If this type of thing makes your blood boil a little, you're in good company.

Here's the address of the WebHancer website, but I don't advise your going there until you first disable your browser's cookie acceptance.

URL: http://webhancer.com/

... and here are a few links, if you want to look into this type of thing a little deeper.

Fra : als

Dato : 15-10-02 15:21

Ja, det viser jo endnu engang at man skal være meget kritisk over for det man downloader.

Fra : Nyhedsbruger

Dato : 15-10-02 13:46

On Tue, 15 Oct 2002 12:27:23 GMT, "AnnLou" <AnnLou.news@kandu.dk>

>Jeg har godt nok været inde og downloade et par programmer, har jeg fået
>en virus med i købet?

Ikke virus, men spyware, nemlig programmet Webhancer.

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : AnnLou

Dato : 15-10-02 16:50

Hej gutter,

Tak for hjælpen, især til Zonker! Det er pist væk, efter at have fulgt den engelske beskrivelse du gav mig, PERFEKT!
Jeg har fået udryddet Webhancer, men er nu lidt i tvivl om jeg kan/tør fortsætte med at downloade fra BearShare, har nogen erfaring med dette?
Endnu engang mange tak for hjælpen, det er genialt, især når man som jeg sidder i Madrid og meget gerne vil undgå at få hele smøren på spansk.....
Saludos, Ann Lou

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