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MS Windows
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åbning af fil med intet efternavn?
Fra : Jonn87
Vist : 561 gange
14 point
Dato : 15-01-04 22:40

Hvordan åbner jeg en fil der ikke har noget efternavn og er lavet med et perl script???
Fatter nadda :s

Fra : BjarneD

Dato : 15-01-04 22:42

har du prøvet med notepad?

Fra : h_blunck

Dato : 15-01-04 22:43

Prøv at dobbeltklikke på filen i stifinderen, og vælg Notesblok/Notepad.

Så får du en ide om formatet, når data kommer på skærmen...

Med venlig hilsen

Henrik, Slagelse

Fra : h_blunck

Dato : 15-01-04 22:43

Prøv at dobbeltklikke på filen i stifinderen, og vælg Notesblok/Notepad.

Så får du en ide om formatet, når data kommer på skærmen...

Med venlig hilsen

Henrik, Slagelse

Fra : BertelBrander

Dato : 15-01-04 22:45

Prøv at åbne den med notepad.
Hvis du kan åbne den med notepad, så prøv at skrive hvad der står i toppen af filen.
Hvis det er et perl-script skal du måske have perl instaleret.

Fra : BjarneD

Dato : 15-01-04 22:46

Jamen er det ikke herligt at være så enige

Fra : molokyle

Dato : 15-01-04 22:48

Gå i DOS. Skriv : edit nada_efternavn


Fra : molokyle

Dato : 15-01-04 22:51

Ps. Du skal selvfølgelig angive stien :

I DOS : [sti]edit [sti]nada_efternavn

edit ligger som regel i c:\windows\command


Fra : Jonn87

Dato : 15-01-04 22:52

ved at åbne filen i notebook kom dette frem

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# sub2srt - Convert subtitles from microdvd or subrip ".sub" to subviewer ".srt" format
# (c) 2003 Roland "Robelix" Obermayer <roland@robelix.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

use strict;
my $version = "0.5.2";

use Getopt::Long;
my $help = 0;
my $fps = 25;
my $showvers = 0;
my $debug = 0;
my $quiet = 0;
my $dos = 0;
my $license = 0;
my $ntsc = 0;
GetOptions("help|h", \$help,
    "fps|f=f", \$fps,
    "ntsc|n",    \$ntsc,
    "version|v", \$showvers,
    "debug|d", \$debug,
    "quiet|q", \$quiet,
    "license|l", \$license,
    "dos", \$dos);
if ($quiet) { $debug = 0; }

if ($help) { help(); }

if ($showvers) { version(); }

if ($license) { license(); }

if ($ntsc) { $fps = 29.976; }

my $infile = shift || '';
if (!$infile) { help(); }

my $outfile = shift || '';
if (!$outfile) {
   $outfile = $infile;
   $outfile =~ s/\.sub$//i;
   $outfile .= ".srt";

if (! -f $infile) {
   print "Input file $infile does not exist.\n";
   exit 0;

print "Input-file: $infile\n" if (!$quiet);
print "Output-file: $outfile\n" if (!$quiet);

print "Trying to detect input format...\n" if ($debug);

my $format = detect_format($infile);
if (!$format) {
   print "Could not detect $infile format!\n";
   exit 0;

my $le = ($dos) ? "\r\n" : "\n";

print "Converting from $format to srt\n" if ($format ne "srt" && !$quiet);

open INFILE, "$infile" or die "Unable to open $infile for reading\n";
open OUTFILE, ">$outfile" or die "Unable to open $outfile for writing\n";

if ($format eq "subrip") {
elsif ($format eq "microdvd") {
elsif ($format eq "srt") {
   print "Input file is already subviewer srt format.\n";

sub conv_subrip {
   my $converted = 0;
   my $failed = 0;
   while (my $line1 = <INFILE>) {
      $line1 =~ s/[\n\r]*$//;
      if ($line1 =~ m/^(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d),(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d)$/) {
         my $starttime = $1;
         my $endtime = $2;
         $starttime =~ s/\./,/;
         $endtime =~ s/\./,/;
         $starttime .= "0";
         $endtime .= "0";
         my $text = <INFILE>;
         $text =~ s/[\n\r]*$//;
         my $empty = <INFILE>;
         print " Subtitle #$converted: start: $starttime, end: $endtime, Text: $text\n" if ($debug);
         # convert line-ends
         $text =~ s/\[br\]/$le/g;
         write_srt($converted, $starttime, $endtime, $text);
      } else {
         if (!$converted) {
            print " Header line: $line1 ignored\n" if ($debug);
         } else {
            print " failed to convert: $line1\n" if ($debug);
   print "$converted subtitles written\n" if (!$quiet);
   print "$failed lines failed\n" if (!$quiet);

close INFILE;
close OUTFILE;

sub conv_microdvd {
   my $converted = 0;
   my $failed = 0;
   while (my $line = <INFILE>) {
      $line =~ s/[\n\r]*$//;
      if ( $line =~ m/^\{(\d+)\}\{(\d+)\}(.+)$/ ) {
         my $startframe = $1;
         my $endframe = $2;
         my $text = $3;
         my $starttime = frames_2_time($startframe);
         my $endtime = frames_2_time($endframe);
         print " Subtitle #$converted: start: $starttime, end: $endtime, Text: $text\n" if ($debug);
         # convert line-ends
         $text =~ s/\|/$le/g;
         write_srt($converted, $starttime, $endtime, $text);
      } else {
         print " failed to convert: $line\n" if ($debug);
   print "$converted subtitles written\n" if (!$quiet);
   print "$failed lines failed\n" if (!$quiet);

sub write_srt {
   my $nr = shift;
   my $start = shift;
   my $end = shift;
   my $text = shift;
   print OUTFILE "$nr$le";
   print OUTFILE "$start --> $end$le";
   print OUTFILE "$text$le";
   print OUTFILE "$le";

sub frames_2_time {
   # convert frames to time
   # used for microdvd format
   my $frames = shift;
   my $seconds = $frames / $fps;
   my $ms = ($seconds - int($seconds)) * 1000;
   if ( ($ms - int($ms)) >= 0.5 ) {
      # round up
      $ms = $ms + 1;
   $ms = sprintf("%03u", $ms);
   $seconds = int($seconds);
   my $s = $seconds % 60;
   my $min = int($seconds / 60);
   my $m = $min % 60;
   my $h = int($min / 60);
   $s = sprintf("%02u", $s);
   $m = sprintf("%02u", $m);
   $h = sprintf("%02u", $h);
   print " $frames frames -> $seconds sec -> $h:$m:$s,$ms\n" if ($debug);
   return "$h:$m:$s,$ms";

sub detect_format {
   my $file = shift;
   open INFILE, "$file" or die "Failed to open $file.\n";
   my $detected = "";
   my $i = 0;
   while (my $line = <INFILE>) {
      $line =~ s/[\n\r]*$//;
      print " Trying line $i: $line \n" if $debug;
      # microdvd format
      # looks like:
      # {startframe}{endframe}Text
      if ( $line =~ m/^\{\d+\}\{\d+\}.+$/ ) {
         print " seems to be microdvd format\n" if ($debug);
         my $line2 = <INFILE>;
         $line2 =~ s/[\n\r]*$//;
         print " checking next line: $line2\n" if ($debug);
         if ($line2 =~ m/^\{\d+\}\{\d+\}.+$/) {
            print "microdvd format detected!\n" if ($debug);
            $detected = "microdvd";
      # trying subrip format
      # 3 lines:
      # hh:mm:ss.ms,hh:mm:ss.ms
      # test
      # (empty line)
      if ($line =~ m/^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d,\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d$/) {
         print " seems to be subrip format\n" if ($debug);
         my $line2 = <INFILE>;
         $line2 =~ s/[\n\r]*$//;
         my $line3 = <INFILE>;
         $line3 =~ s/[\n\r]*$//;
         my $line4 = <INFILE>;
         $line4 =~ s/[\n\r]*$//;
         print " checking the next lines:\n $line2\n $line3\n $line4\n" if ($debug);
         if ($line2 =~ m/^.+$/ && $line3 =~ m/^$/ && $line4 =~ m/^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d,\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d\d$/) {
            print "subrip format detected!\n" if ($debug);
            $detected = "subrip";
      # trying subviewer .srt format
      if ($line =~ m/^\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\,\d\d\d\s-->\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\,\d\d\d$/) {
         print "subviewer .srt format detected!\n" if ($debug);
         $detected = "srt";

      last if ($detected or $i > 50);
   close INFILE;
   return $detected;

sub help {
print <<__HELP__;

sub2srt [options] inputfile.sub [outputfile.srt]

Convert subrip and microdvd ".sub" subtitle files to subviewer ".srt" format
(the format accepted by ogmmerge for multiplexing into ogm files)

-h --help Display this message.
-v --version   Display Program version and exit.
-l --license   Display License information and exit.

-f=n --fps=n Fps to be used if input file is frame-based microdvd-format
         Default: 25 fps. Ignored if input format is time-based.
-n --ntsc      Sets the framerate to 29.976 fps. Overrides --fps.
--dos      Create output file with DOS line end (cr+lf)
         Default: unix line end (lf)
-d --debug      Print debug information
-q --quiet      No output

Input file
Both types usally have the ending .sub, the format is autodetected.

Output file
Default: inputfile.srt

exit 2;

sub license {
print <<__VERSION__;

sub2srt $version - Convert subtitles from .sub to .srt format
(c) 2003 Roland "Robelix" Obermayer <roland\@robelix.com>
Project Homepage: http://www.robelix.com/sub2srt/
Please report problems, ideas, patches... to sub2srt\@robelix.com

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

exit 2;

sub version {
   print "sub2srt $version\n";
   exit 2;


Fra : buch78

Dato : 15-01-04 22:56

undskyld men det ligner en driver til UNIX/LINUX

Fra : BertelBrander

Dato : 15-01-04 22:56

Det er et perl script, instaler perl:


Fra : molokyle

Dato : 15-01-04 22:57

..og ??? Så fik du den vel åbnet


Fra : BjarneD

Dato : 15-01-04 23:03

hvad vil du bruge den til?

Fra : h_blunck

Dato : 15-01-04 23:05

Det bedste sted må være at lede på Project Homepage: http://www.robelix.com/sub2srt/ som der står i scriptet...

Med venlig hilsen

Henrik, Slagelse

Fra : Jonn87

Dato : 15-01-04 23:08

Er der ikke bare en der har et link hvor jeg kan downloade Sub2srt så behøver jeg ikke alt det her lort!

Fra : Jonn87

Dato : 15-01-04 23:09

og ikke i de forpulede gz format og hvad de nu hedder... bare i almindelig exe, zip eller rar format!

Fra : Jonn87

Dato : 15-01-04 23:09

Skal sove... kigger her ind imorgen!!

Fra : BjarneD

Dato : 15-01-04 23:10

Du kan ikke bare bruge perl uden at have noget at køre det med

Fra : molokyle

Dato : 15-01-04 23:22

Perl er serverside programmering ligesom ASP, PHP, *.shtml og hva' det nu hedder, i modsætning til Java, javascript, VBscript osv.. der bliver kørt hos klienten (på brugerens maskine). That's all.


Fra : Jonn87

Dato : 16-01-04 14:24

Er der ikke bare en der har et link hvor jeg kan downloade Sub2srt

Accepteret svar
Fra : molokyle

Modtaget 14 point
Dato : 16-01-04 14:43

Her kan du downloade (nederst) et program; Zipzag, der i 30 dage kan åbne gz filen :



Godkendelse af svar
Fra : Jonn87

Dato : 03-03-04 09:27

Tak for svaret molokyle.

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