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Problemer efter instal. af software
Fra : arlo.PE
Vist : 360 gange
49 point
Dato : 25-10-03 12:38

Jeg var ved at intallere et software program: Instant Cards & Invitations
Jegfik ikke instlleret programmet før jeg blev afbrudtog nu dtår min harddiskog larmer d.v.s. at den søger/tænker uafbrudt Jeg ved ikke hvad jeg skal gøre, er det nødvendigt for mig at formatere den, hvilket jeg vil være utroligt ked af.
M.V.H. L.P.

Fra : pallebhansen

Dato : 25-10-03 12:54

Nej selvfølgelig skal du ikke formatere, det er kun sidste udvej.
Hvis du bruger Win XP, eller ME, skal du i start /alle programmer /tilbehør/systemværktøjer/systemgendannelse, gendanne din comp til et tidspunkt før det gik galt.
Hvis du ikke lige kan opstarte normalt, og komme til skrivebordet, kan du prøve at slukke strømmen bagpå, efter at den har indlæst det den kan. Når du så starter igen, skulle du gerne komme til en skærm, der enten retter fejl på harddisken, eller hvor du kan starte i fejlsikret tilstand, eller tilbagestille computeren. Det afhænger hvilken Windows du kører med.
Fjern hele den mappe hvor Instant Cards & Invitations er, og brug ikke programmet mere.
Hvis det ikke lykkedes, så skriv flere oplysninger?
VH Palle Hansen

Fra : arlo.PE

Dato : 25-10-03 17:58

Hej Palle B. Hansen.
Jeg kører styresystemet windows 98 og der findes ikke noget under tilbehør/ sysyemværktøjer som hedder systemgendannelse.
Vil det iøvrigt sige at jeg slet ikke må installerer Instant Cards & Invitations ? Og hvorfor?

Fra : pallebhansen

Dato : 25-10-03 18:56

Nej systemgendannelse findes kun på XP og ME.
Jo, men Instant Cards & Invitations kunne være virusbefængt, eller indeholde en fejl, den fik da din comp. til at gå ned?, måske. Eller måske var det dig der afbrød den, i hvert fald er der blevet et kald, et program der har skrevet noget (feks. indlæs nu fil gighhkh.dfb), som comp. ikke kan udføre.
Hvis din comp. kan starte op til "skrivebordet", kan du forsøge, om du kan installere Instant Cards & Invitations, igen (hvis den har en fejl eller virus, er den der allerede), det kan være at den forsøger at finde en fil, og det er derfor den ikke kan komme videre, du skal installere den til samme mappe, som du prøvede før. Når du har gjort det skal du genstarte. Du har vel prøvet at genstarte?
Ellers, må du prøve at opstarte i fejlsikker tilstand, er det ikke noget med at trykke F5 eller F8, lige når comp.starter.
I fejlsikker tilstand kan du i enhedshåndtering se om alt din software er ok, og også rette andre fejl.
Du fortalte ikke om du har opdateret antivirus, og spywaredetektor, installeret på comp.
Hvordan skete fejlen helt nøjagtig.
VH Palle Hansen

Fra : emesen

Dato : 25-10-03 19:01

Du kan "rulle" din 98 ind igen evt. med en start diskette og din CD-rom.
Når du "ruller" 98 ind igen bibeholdes alle dine programmer og filer.
Var det fra en diskette/CD du indstallerede, så kan du prøve igen.

Fra : arlo.PE

Dato : 26-10-03 17:50

Kære Palle Hansen.
Ja det er jo mig der er en idiot, hvad angår computer, jeg er i den grad amatør.
Du spørger om mange kloge ting, som jeg næsten ikke kan svare på pr. mail.
Har du mulighed for at ringe til mig på tlf.: 22306329, jeg kan evt. ringe dig op.
m.v.h. Lone.

Fra : emesen

Dato : 26-10-03 18:40

Der er nok ikke mange som deltager eller kigger på dette spørgsmål.
Men der kunne være rigtig mange, så derfor er det ikke altid godt at aflevere sit telefon nr. sådan direkte for åben skærm.

Accepteret svar
Fra : pallebhansen

Modtaget 49 point
Dato : 26-10-03 19:51

Klik next og på den ny side skrives din e-mail adr., fjern fluevingen der siger om du vil have reklamer.
Så ved jeg ikke mere, men hvis den spørger om aktive automatic disinfection option, skal du svare ja (det betyder den fjerner virusen, hvis den finder en), hvis den spørger eller vil have dig til at downloade et lille program,aktive x control) så svar ja og læg det på skrivebordet.
Når det er hentet, dobbeltklikkes på det. Og så tjekkes din harddisk C for virus. Hvis den finder en virus, er det en god ide at skrive navnet nøjagtigt ned, selvom Panda fjerner virussen. Det kan godt tage en time at undersøge din computer for virus.
How do I use Panda ActiveScan?

First enter your e-mail address and the location from which you are connecting. Then click on Start.

If your browser asks you, you should agree to the downloading of ActiveX controls. To start the scan, click on the item that you want to check for viruses. (Ja det er c-drev)
If Panda ActiveScan finds a virus during the scan, it will generate a report with the results. You can see this once the selected scan has finished.
When I click on Start nothing happens.
You may need to wait a few seconds before the scan begins, depending on the speed of your computer and on the type of Internet access you have.

Another window appears with a Security Warning. Why?

Panda ActiveScan uses ActiveX controls. These controls must be downloaded and run on your computer. During the download process, various messages will be displayed asking you to agree to the installation of these controls in your system. Click on YES when these messages appear.

What causes problems with the download?

Sometimes, Panda ActiveScan may be interrupted or the communication could fail. This is normally a problem with the connection itself. If you use a firewall or proxy check that they are configured correctly and that your system meets minimum requirements.

Does Panda ActiveScan include real-time (resident) protection?
Panda ActiveScan detects and eliminates any viruses that are already in your computer when you start the scan from the Panda Software website.

To protect your system completely you need to check not just whether viruses are in your computer (Panda ActiveScan does this) but also that all of the operations carried out in your system are continuously scanned (permanent); for example when opening or copying files (Panda ActiveScan does not do this).
How do I know Panda ActiveScan has detected a virus?
During the scan process a list of information about the number of files scanned, infected and disinfected will be displayed on the screen.

Both infected files and suspicious items will appear in red.

Similarly, once the scan has finished, you will be able to consult a report which contains information on the infected files.

Panda ActiveScan has detected a virus. What should I do now?

If you have selected the automatic disinfection option, Panda ActiveScan will automatically disinfect the infected files. This will be carried out in the background, without you having to do anything else.

If you have not selected the automatic disinfection option, Panda ActiveScan will only inform you that there is a virus if it detects them. If the scan detects a virus, this probably means that you have a vulnerable entry point in your computer which should be protected.

How can I consult the results of the report?

When the scan has finished, if a virus has been found, you can see a report of the results.

The report contains several columns which show the names of the viruses detected, where the infected files were located and the action that Panda ActiveScan has taken.

What happens if I close the window or click Cancel during the scan?

You can stop the scan process whenever you want simply by clicking on Cancel or closing the window. Nothing will happen to your computer or the components that were being scanned.

A frequent reason for canceling scans is when the wrong item to scan has been selected. For example, if you selected All My Computer, the scan will take a lot longer than if you had just selected a single folder or other item such as e-mail or a floppy disk.

The scan has not detected a virus. Is my computer clean?

If you have selected a complete scan of your system, you can be sure that it is not infected, at least at the moment.

But remember that new viruses are appearing every day and if you do not have any other antivirus program installed that offers you permanent protection, you are vulnerable every time you use your computer and receive external data (messages, files etc.).

If this is the case, install a Panda Antivirus solution to protect your computer and personal data.

Does Panda collect information from my computer when I use ActiveScan?

No information is collected concerning personal details, software installed or about the hardware configuration in your computer.

The only information gathered is about any viruses detected, that is, the name of the virus and the file infected. This information is used to generate reports concerning the detection of a virus.

Why do files that could not be disinfected appear in the report?

There are several points to consider:

1. Due to characteristics of certain viruses, not all of them can be disinfected.

2. The infected file may be in a compressed format that prevents it from being disinfected.

3. If we include Trojans and worms in the term 'viruses', it is not possible to disinfect the file that contains the 'virus', as the file is not infected as such, but is actually the virus. In these cases the only solution is to eliminate the file or rename it.

4. Viruses frequently infect system files, i.e. files that are essential to the normal functioning of the operating system. In these cases, the operating system will not allow any other programs to access these files, in the same way, for example, a file cannot be deleted from Windows Explorer if the same file is open on the desktop.

5. The element that contains the virus cannot be 'written' on, as in the case of CD-ROM, DVD or write-protected floppy disks etc.

To resolve problems of disinfection of files blocked by the system and Trojans or worms, Panda Software offer specific tools for the most dangerous viruses: Panda QuickRemover. These are available from www.pandasoftware.com/library/, where there is also extensive information on all types of viruses.
VH Palle Hansen

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : arlo.PE

Dato : 27-10-03 08:11

Tak for svaret pallebhansen.
Du er bare en "SUPER NØRD" på området.
Tak for rigtig god support. Vi tales ved.
Mange knus fra arlo.PE                        

Fra : pallebhansen

Dato : 27-10-03 14:40

K-Komputer koster 60 kr. og nr 15 som lige er udkommet indeholder en fuld AVG antivirus Free Edition, med ret til opgradering.
Når den er installeres skal man indsætte en kode man får fra dem i sin e-mail, så virker den og henter de sidste opdateringer.
Så ligger den som et ikon i nederste hø. hjørne. Man kan dobbeltklikke på den og sætte den igang med at skanne hele comp. (c-drev) for virus. Hvis den siger at den ikke kan fjerne virusen, vil den selv foreslå at bure den inde, så kan alle viruser der er "buret inde, fjernes.
Tak for ros.
VH Palle Hansen

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