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Fra : ZnoWmAN
Vist : 646 gange
100 point
Dato : 30-06-03 19:46

Halløjsa allesammen!!

Jeg er kommet til et sted der hedder Guadosalam, hvor jeg ikke kan komme videre... Yuna er inde for at fortælle ham Maester'en at hun gerne vil giftes med ham. De andre skal vente udenfor imens... Så kan jeg ikke komme videre... Jeg har snakket med alle jeg kan finde i "landsbyen", men det hjalp ikke spor...


Accepteret svar
Fra : MouseKeeperX

Modtaget 100 point
Dato : 30-06-03 23:19

Der er en walktrough her:


Her er et klip, så du ikke kommer til at snyde dig selv for resten af spillet

Guadosalam - Talking arises
[Important Items: Al Bhed Primer Vol. XIII]

When you arrive, there is not a lot of freedom to do anything, so this next
part is quite linear. When you enter Guadosalam, Rikku will teach you how to
customize armor. Try it out now. This will however, deplete your inventory of
whatever is needed to make the weapon, so be careful.

When you gain control, head to the Inn, the nearest building. Check it out, and
use the save sphere there. Don't forget to check all the houses here for the Al
Bhed Primer Vol. XIII.. Go ahead and explore, but you really can't go anywhere,
so just follow the mini-map into SeymourÕs place. After talking to the party,
open the huge purplish colored doors and go on in.

Seymour offers food, so talk to your party as everyone eats. When youÕre done,
go ahead and exit. Seymour also proposes that Yuna marry him, and the marriage
is to help the people of Spira, but Yuna wants some more time to think it over.
Moving right along, exit the temple and join up with the party. They suggest
visiting the Farplane, so go right along up the ramp and to its entrance.
Remember, the Farplane is where the dead spirits are taken.

Follow the party into the Farplane and speak with Wakka to see how he is doing.
You watching that conversation between him and his brother unlocks the power of
the Brotherhood weapon, raising its attributes. Talk to Lulu also, then catch
up with Yuna to see what she thinks of the marriage.

Exit the Farplane with everyone else and wait around and speak with your party.
A lady in green tells your party that Seymour has left to another temple, so
gather the party and head into the Thunder Plains, onward to Seymour, so Yuna
can speak with him.

Fra : srhansen

Dato : 30-06-03 23:25

Hej ZnoWmaN

Her er en walktrough du burde kunne finde svaret i den:

og her er en hel side med links til walkthrough's og snyd:


og her er endnu flere:

Jeg håber du kan finde løsningen i noget af det ovenstående

mvh srhansen

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : ZnoWmAN

Dato : 10-07-03 16:49

Tak for svaret MouseKeeperX.

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