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adobe information
Fra : susss
Vist : 962 gange
200 point
Dato : 21-03-13 19:05

Dear Customer, Er der nogen som har fået denne mail også eller er det virus af en slags fra adobe ??

This is a friendly reminder that on 18 June, 2013, we will move the current Photoshop.com storage and sharing services to a new home - Adobe® Revel™.

It's easy – we just need you to do a few things:
• Please confirm that you'd like us to move your JPEG photos to Adobe Revel.
• If your library contains file formats other than JPEG photos, please be sure to download your complete Photoshop.com library before 18 June, 2013, as Revel doesn't yet support the following file types – any video, PSD, RAW, ACR, PNG, TIFF. Archive now.
• If you choose not to have us move your photos, please be sure to download your complete library before 18 June, 2013. Archive now.
We are committed to supporting you throughout this transition to a new technology – Adobe Revel. Currently, Revel gives you more access to your photos than ever before – on the web, iPhone, iPad and Mac. And this is just the beginning – we are planning to support additional platforms, as well as, popular file formats beyond JPEG and video. We are committed to delivering frequent Revel updates and to continually pushing the envelope to create the best experience for reliving your memories wherever you are.

Get answers in the FAQ.

Thank you for your patience during the move.

The Adobe Photoshop.com and Revel teams Important information
• 18 June, 2013 – Photoshop.com storage and sharing services will close.
• Let us know if you'd like us to move your JPEG photos to Revel.
• Be sure to archive your complete Photoshop.com library before we close on 18 June, 2013, as Revel doesn't yet support all file types.
Archive now.
• Questions? Get answers in the FAQ.
• See more about the move.

Adobe, the Adobe logo, Photoshop and Revel are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Mac is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

© 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.

Fra : Teil

Dato : 21-03-13 19:26

Den er ok

Accepteret svar
Fra : Teil

Modtaget 210 point
Dato : 21-03-13 19:28

Jeg har flyttet mine billeder til Adobe revel, det virker.

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : susss

Dato : 22-03-13 10:10

Tak for svaret Teil.Tak for dit svar ...så kan jeg altså roligt hente det ned..men ved ikke helt hvad de mener hvad er det som lukker ??

Fra : Teil

Dato : 22-03-13 10:15

De lukker den gamle side.

Fra : susss

Dato : 22-03-13 15:07

Ja men er det det photoshop element man har installeret på sin pc eller er det selve deres program adobe de lukker ?

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