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Fejl i Outlook
Fra : Odense28
Vist : 1235 gange
50 point
Dato : 07-04-03 08:47

Jeg har en mailkonto i det bofællesskab jeg bor i. Jeg har ingen problemer med at sende eller modtage post, alligevel får jeg følgende fejl:

Opgaven 'Bondebjerget - sender og modtager' rapporterede en fejl (0x800CCC90) : 'E-mail-serveren til indgående post (POP3) har rapporteret en intern fejl. Hvis du fortsætter med at modtage denne meddelelse, skal du kontakte serveradministratoren eller din Internetudbyder. Serveren svarede: ?OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4REV1 LOGIN-REFERRALS STARTTLS AUTH=LOGIN] IMAP4rev1 2001.315rh at Mon, 7 Apr 2003 08:26:09 +0200 (CEST)'

Jeg kan ikke helt gennemskue problemet Nogen, der kan hjælpe?

Fra : technet

Dato : 07-04-03 09:41

You may get the following error message
There was a problem logging onto your mail server. Your Password was rejected. Account: 'pop.tiscali.co.uk', Server: 'pop.tiscali.co.uk', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '-ERR invalid user or password', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC92
The first step is to check your Outlook Express settings, making sure that the POP3 and SMTP servers are as in the screenshots, and that your full user name and password are correct.
Then test your connection by following this procedure
Click the Start button then RUN type in cmd on (Windows NT/2000/XP) or Command (Windows 95/98/ME) This opens a new window, with white text on a black screen. Type in the following exactly as it appears. You will not see what you are entering so take it slowly, and if you make a mistake, start again. telnet pop.tiscali.co.uk 110 or telnet pop3.lineone.net 110 and hit the enter key you will then be connected to the email server. Type in USER yourname@tiscali.co.uk and hit the enter key You will then get a message +OK Please enter your pass, with the PASS command type in PASS yourpassword and click the Enter key If it is correct, you will get an OK Well done message. If you can do this, you have connected to the Tiscali server and so the problem lies somewhere with Outlook Express.
If you can't get in this way either, it could be that your password has somehow become corrupted. Try changing in in My Account. Try again.
If this doesn't work, it may be that TCP/IP has somehow become corrupted within Windows. So try reinstalling TCP/IP. To do this
Click Start
Control Panel
Network connections
Right click your connection and click Properties
Click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and then click Uninstall
Then close down your PC and open it up again.
Follow the same steps as above, but instead of clicking Uninstall click Install.
On the screen which appears, click Protocol and then Add
Click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and then OK (You may be prompted for your Windows installation disk at this point.
If you run Windows XP, the process is slight different. You need to
CLick Start
Then type in Command
In the screen which appears, type in netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt
If you're still having problems, it could be that Outlook Express is itself corrupt. Microsoft's Instructions on how to delete it and reinstall it, along with making a backup of your address books etc, are at for Windows 95, 98, and ME and for for Windows 2000 Still not working? Then it's time to call for help. Either call our technical support line on 0906 300 6633 (calls cost 50p a minute) or by using our free email

Fra : Odense28

Dato : 07-04-03 10:29

Hmm, jo altså brugernavn og password er korrekte, opsætningen er i Outlook XP og tjekket - det fungerer fint.
Som sagt kan jeg både sende og modtage mail. Det er under den automatiske send/modtag funktion jeg får meddelelsen.

Fra : elxx

Dato : 23-04-03 08:52

Husk at brugernavn ofte er kontonummer hos din internetudbyder.

Fra : Odense28

Dato : 23-04-03 13:52

Jeg fandt selv løsningen, det var ingen af ovenstående - men vores gamle mailserver der meldte fejl...

Fra : Odense28

Dato : 23-04-03 13:53

Nogen der ved hvordan jeg giver point til mig selv ? =) Der står jo ikke Accepter som svar..

Accepteret svar
Fra : elxx

Modtaget 50 point
Dato : 23-04-03 15:04

Du kan desværre ikke give point til dig selv. Jeg har også tit ønsket det.

Fra : Odense28

Dato : 23-04-03 19:12

Nå, ok - ærgeligt =) Jeg er bare forvendt fra eksperten.dk
Ved du hvad, så får du dem... Ha en go aften.

Godkendelse af svar
Fra : Odense28

Dato : 23-04-03 19:14

Tak for svaret elxx.

Fra : elxx

Dato : 23-04-03 22:41

Tak for point Odense28.

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